- Release Notes

Apps Release Notes
January 2024
The new Custom HTML control helps you extend the existing UiPath® Apps functionality and add various custom and interactive elements into your app, such as dashboards or modern web technology features. Here are some highlights of the new control:
Flexibility: integrate customized HTML, CSS, and JavaScript codes directly into your app design. This facilitates unique and advanced app creation, tailored to your company and business needs.
Increased functionality: Leverage the power of modern web technologies and add responsive elements in your app.
Accessibility: Improve the user experience by providing descriptions which can be interpreted by screen readers.
Read more about the Custom HTML control in our documentation and try it out for yourself.
We've enhanced our checking mechanism to disallow uploading media files with VB-noncompliant names. This update serves to eliminate the "Media is not declared" error that occurred when accessing such files using VB expressions.
Previously, Apps couldn’t retrieve files from Amazon S3 buckets, and displayed the "SignatureDoesNotMatch" error. This behavior is now fixed.