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Productivity Activities

Last updated Feb 28, 2025

Get Calendars



Uses the Microsoft Graph Get calendar API to get the properties and relationships of a calendar. The calendar can be a user's, or the default calendar of an Office 365 group (User).

After retrieving the calendars, the activity outputs a Calendar object that represents the user's default calendar (Default Calendar) and an array of Calendar[] objects that represents all the user's calendars (Calendars). These output Calendar objects can be used as input property variables in the Create Event and Search Events activities.

This activity is not limited to retrieving your calendar. You can also retrieve another user's calendar if the registered application in the Microsoft Office 365 Scope (ApplicationId) has permissions, or the appropriate delegated permissions from the user.


This activity requires the following scopes:

  • Calendars.Read


  • Calendars.Read.Shared


  • Calendars.ReadWrite


  • Calendars.ReadWrite.Shared


  • Group.Read.All


  • Group.ReadWrite.All

Project compatibility

Windows - Legacy | Windows



  • DisplayName - The display name of the activity. This property supports String variables and string formatted values.
  • Account - (Optional) The email address with which to interact. This may include any shared mailbox to which the current user has access rights. If left blank, the current user's account is assumed. This property supports String variables and string formatted values.
    Note: Account field is mandatory for ApplicationIdAndSecret and ApplicationIdAndCertificate authentication types.
  • User - The email address of the person whose calendar is retrieved. If none is provided, the user's own calendar is used. The user must have API permissions to read calendars. For more information, see in the Setup guide. This property supports String variables and string formatted values.
  • Private - If selected, the values of variables and arguments are no longer logged at Verbose level. This field supports Boolean values.
  • Calendars - An array of the user's calendars. This field supports only Calendar[] variables. Required if you plan to use the output data in subsequent activities. You can also use this variable as an input variable in other activities (e.g., Create Event and Search Events).
  • Default Calendar - The authenticated user's default calendar, in case the User property is empty. This field supports only Calendar variables. Required if you plan to use the output data in subsequent activities. You can also use this variable as an input variable in other activities (e.g., Create Event and Search Events).

How it works

The following steps and message sequence diagram is an example of how the activity works from design time (i.e., the activity dependencies and input/output properties) to run time.

  1. Complete the steps.
  2. Add the Microsoft Office 365 Scope activity to your project.
  3. Add the Get Calendars activity inside the Microsoft Office 365 Scope activity.
  4. Enter values for the Input properties.
  5. Create and enter Calendar and Calendar[] variables for your Output property.
  6. Run the activity.

    • Your input property values are sent to the GetCalendar API.
    • The API returns the Calendar and Calendar[] values to your output property variable.

  • Description
  • Project compatibility
  • Configuration
  • How it works

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