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Productivity Activities

Last updated Feb 28, 2025

Notify me on Slack when an important Outlook Email is received

Summary: When an important Outlook Email is received, notify me through a message in Slack.

Applications: Outlook Mail, Slack

Description: This example explains how to create a workflow that automatically sends you a message in Slack when an important email is received in Outlook. This example presents Microsoft 365 activities, such as the Email Received trigger, and Slack activities, such as Send message to user.


  1. Open Studio Web and create a new project.
  2. For How to start the automation select Event based, then select the Microsoft 365 Email Received trigger activity.
  3. In the trigger activity:
    1. Set up your Microsoft OneDrive & SharePoint connection.
    2. Set the Email folder field by selecting one of your Outlook folders.
    3. Set up other additional fields, such as With attachments only or Mark as read, depending on your needs
    4. Set up an additional filter to identify important emails. Set the Filter builder as: Importance equals High.

  4. Next, add a Slack Send message to user activity.
    1. Start by setting up your Slack connection.
    2. Next, select the Slack User to send a message to. To receive a message yourself, select USLACKBOT. from the dropdown list.
    3. Configure the Message field. For example, you can add the following text: New email received from ReceivedEmail.From.DisplayName about RecievedEmail.Subject. Take a look at: RecievedEmail.WebLink. To use variables, select the output variable of the trigger activity and drill down to its From.DisplayName, Subject, and WebLink properties.

  5. You're done and ready to run your project!
  • Workflow

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