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Test Suite User Guide

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Last updated Feb 28, 2025

Configuring local iOS simulator


  1. Install Xcode. Visit Installing Xcode and Simulators for more information about Xcode.
  2. Open a Terminal and run the following command to install Homebrew: /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)".
  3. Run the following command to install NodeJS: brew install node
  4. Install Appium:
    1. For Appium 1.0, run the following command: npm install -g appium. This automatically installs all drivers needed.
    2. For Appium 2.0, run the following command: npm install -g appium@next.
      Appium 2.0 comes without the drivers installed. Therefore, to install the needed drivers, also run the following command: appium driver install xcuitest.
      • We recommend using Appium 2.0 with Mobile Automation version 22.10 or higher.
      • Install Appium 2.0 if you want to test your mobile automations on an iOS Physical Device.
        1. Open Xcode and allow it to install any additional components it may require. Close it once you see the splash screen.
        2. Start the Appium server, using the following command: appium --port 8001 --default-capabilities "{\"appium:systemPort\":9001}" --relaxed-security.

Configuring local simulator iOS device

Perform the following steps to configure a local iOS simulator.

  1. Install and add Simulator runtimes.
    1. Open Xcode and navigate to the menu bar. Click Xcode and then Settings.
    2. Go to the Platforms tab.
    3. Click the Add button, and then select a platform to view a list of its available versions.
    4. Select a version and click Download & Install.
  2. Add a Simulator.
    1. In Xcode, from the menu bar, select Xcode and then Devices and Simulators.
    2. At the top of the sidebar, select Simulators, and click Add button.
    3. Select a Device Type and OS Version for your simulator. Optionally, give it a name.
    4. Select Create to create the new simulator.
  3. Get the Appium URL and save it for later:
    1. Go to System Settings, then the Network tab, and select the Wi-Fi network that the iOS device is connected to.
    2. Copy the IP Address for the Wi-Fi network. The format of the Appium URL is https://<ipaddress>:8001> (8001 is the port number where you start Appium).
  4. Get the UDID of the simulator that you added to Xcode.
    1. Go to Windows, then to Devices and Simulators, and lastly, Simulators.
    2. Click the iOS simulator you added.
    3. Copy the Identifier. This is the UDID, that you'll later add as an additional desired capability, when adding this iOS simulator to MDM.
  5. Build WebDriverAgent with Xcode on your Mac:
    1. Navigate to the appium-webdriveragent folder, using the following path: /Users/<username>/appium2/node_modules/appium-xcuitest-driver/node_modules/appium-webdriveragent, and open the xcodeproj file.
    2. Select WebDriverAgent, and open WebDriverAgentRunner, under the Targets section.
    3. Switch to the Signing & Capabilities tab, select Automatically manage signing, and choose a user account from the Team dropdown.
    4. Change the Bundle Identifier to a unique value.
    5. Copy and save this Bundle Identifier. You'll use it to add your Application inside MDM (Bundle Id).
  6. Install the WebDriverAgent on your iOS simulator.
    1. Select WebDriverAgentRunner in the WebDriverAgent navigation bar.
    2. In Xcode, go to Product, and click Test. On your iOS simulator, you'll see the WebDriverAgent installing.
  7. Add the configurated iOS local simulator in Mobile Device Manager using the Adding local iOS device in Mobile Device Manager task.
  • Prerequisites
  • Configuring local simulator iOS device

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