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UI Automation Activities

Last updated Feb 25, 2025

Applications and technologies automated with UI Automation

The tables in this section present the applications and technologies which can be automated using the UiPath.UIAutomation.Activities (UIA) package by indicating the minimum required UI Automation package/ Studio version. It also presents the improvements added in later versions for that application/ technology and the prerequisites for using it.

Web browsers

Application/ TechnologyMinimum required UIA package/ Studio versionImprovements added in later versionsPrerequisites
ChromeStudio v2016.2
  • The UiPath Extension for Chrome MV3 is available starting with Studio versions 2022.4.1, 2021.10.8, 2020.10.14, 2019.10.9. Also available in all 2022.10 and 2023.4 versions.
  • UIA v19.7.0 - The Chrome Extension can also be installed on Chrome versions lower than v64.

  • UIA v20.4.1 - The Extension for Chrome can be installed using Policy settings.

  • UIA v21.4.3 - Added support for websites that use Shadow DOM for their UI elements.

  • UIA v21.10.3 - ChromiumAPI input method has been implemented.

  • Starting with Studio v2022.4 the UiPath Extension for Chrome can be used to automate Chrome Apps.

  • UIA v22.4.4 - The new Extension for Chrome is also available on Mac.

Extension for Chrome must be installed.
Edge (Chromium)Studio v2019.10.5 (UIA v19.11.3)
  • The UiPath Extension for Edge MV3 is available starting with Studio versions 2022.4.4, 2021.10.8, 2020.10.14, 2019.10.9.

  • UIA v20.10.5 - Added support for Edge IE Mode.

  • UIA v21.10.3 - The Edge Extension supports Java Applets and ActiveX controls in IE Mode.

  • UIA v21.4.3 - Added support for websites that use Shadow DOM for their UI elements.

  • UIA v21.10.3 - ChromiumAPI input method has been implemented.

  • Starting with Studio v2022.4 the UiPath Extension for Edge can be used to automate Edge Apps.

  • Windows 10 version 1803 or higher

  • Microsoft Edge Chromium version 79 or higher

  • Extension for Edge must be installed.

FirefoxStudio v2016.2
  • UIA v21.4.3 - Added support for websites that use Shadow DOM for their UI elements.
Internet ExplorerStudio v2016.2N/AInternet Explorer v8.0 or higher
WebDriverUIA v19.10.1
  • UIA v19.10.1 - The WebDriver protocol can only be used with Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.

  • UIA v20.4.1 - Added WebDriver protocol support for Microsoft Edge Chromium browser.

  • UIA v21.10.1 - Cross-origin IFRAME support via WebDriver.

Depending on the web browser, one of the following must be installed on the client machine:

  • ChromeDriver ChromeDriver.exe
  • Microsoft Edge Driver msedgedriver.exe
  • geckodriver geckodriver.exe

Web embedding frameworks

Application/ TechnologyMinimum required UIA package/ Studio versionImprovements added in later versionsPrerequisites
JxBrowserUIA v19.3.0

UIA v19.5.0 - Screen and Data Scraping can be used to create automation projects for applications relying on the JxBrowser library.

CefSharpUIA v19.8.0-ceUIA v21.10.3 - UI elements from CefSharp embedded widgets (e.g. SharpBrowser, SAP NWBC with Fiori Launchpad) are recognized as belonging to the host application instance. N/A
WebView2UIA v22.4.3Embedded Edge support 

Virtualization technologies

Application/ TechnologyMinimum required UIA package/ Studio versionImprovements added in later versionsPrerequisites
CitrixUIA v18.4.2 - Native support for Citrix XenApps
  • UIA v19.4.1 - You can create browser automations with native selectors for web applications exposed through Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops.

  • UIA v22.4.4 - Supports automating in nested CitrixApps.

  • Virtual App v6.5 or higher

  • Virtual Desktop v7.0 or higher

  • Extension for Citrix must be installed on the client machine.

  • UiPath Remote Runtime component must be deployed on all Citrix Application servers.

Microsoft Remote Desktop and AppsUIA v19.4.1
  • UIA v20.10.12, UIA v21.10.5, UIA v22.4.3 – Added support for Azure Windows Virtual Desktop client (msrdc.exe).
  • UIA 21.10.3 - Applications provisioned through Microsoft RemoteApp can be automated.

Microsoft App-VUIA v19.6.0Support for web and native applications exposed through the Microsoft App-V virtualization technology.The UiPath Extensions for the underlying technology must be installed and requires a few extra steps (browsers extensions or Java extension; details in Microsoft App-V Support and Limitations).
VMware HorizonUIA v20.4.1N/A

ERP applications

Application/ TechnologyMinimum required UIA package/ Studio versionImprovements added in later versionsPrerequisites
SAP WinGUIUIA v20.4.1N/ASAP WinGUI for Windows 7.40 or higher
SAP WebGUIUIA v22.12.0-previewN/ASAP WebGUI
SAP FioriUIA v20.10.5N/ASAP Fiori versions 1.52 and above, which are in Maintenance by SAP.
SalesforceUIA v21.10.3Salesforce Lightning, with specific Salesforce AURA components path and attributes, and reliable selectors, is now supported in Chrome and Edge.

Salesforce UI automation can be created on the following web browsers:

Application framework

Application/ TechnologyMinimum required UIA package/ Studio versionImprovements added in later versionsPrerequisites
SilverlightStudio v2018.1 (UIA v18.2)N/A
JavaStudio v2018.1 (UIA v18.2)
  • UIA v19.7.0 - Added the possibility to create automation projects for OpenJDK.

  • UIA v19.8.0-ce - Selectors for the NetPhantom framework are now natively generated.

  • UIA 22.2 - The injection mechanism has become more reliable and is able to automate applications like .jnlp applications launched with third party applications, like OWS or IcedTea Web.
  • UIA v22.4.4 - Java versions 16 and 17 are now officially supported.

  • UIA v22.4.4 - Improved support for Java Konsis and the custom Java Framework McBeans.

  • The Java Extension is compatible with any version of JRE's, from Java 3 to Java 17.

  • Extension for Java must be installed.

WinFormsUIA v2016.2Automated with the Active Accessibility framework.N/A
Win32UIA v2016.2Automated with the Active Accessibility framework.N/A
WPFUIA v2016.2Automated with the Active Accessibility framework.N/A
VB6/EpicUIA v22.10.2UIA v22.10.2 - Better VB6/Epic attributes: ctrlid and automationid attributes. N/A
QtUIA v22.10.2
  • UIA v22.10.2 - Support for applications based on the Qt Framework through the new type of selector tag: qt.
  • For now, only widgets are supported. No QtQuick/QML support available at the moment.


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