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UI Automation Activities

Last updated Feb 25, 2025

Find Images

The example below explains how to identify the number of appearances of the same image under different names. It presents activities such as Find Image Matches and Find Image. You can find these activities in the UiPath.UIAutomation.Activities package.

This is how the automation process can be built:

  1. Open Studio and create a new Process.

    Note: A simple web page with a predefined design is needed in order to run this example. Make sure to create/use your own web page or to use the one provided by us in the downloadable example.
  2. Drag a Sequence container in the Workflow Designer and name it Count Errors.

    • Create the following variables:

      Variable Name

      Variable Type

      Default Value









  3. Drag a Sequence container inside the Count Errors container and name it Init PagePath.
  4. Open the Init PagePath sequence and add an Assign activity inside it.

    • Add the variable CurrentDirectory in the To field.
    • Add the expression Environment.CurrentDirectory in the Values field.
  5. Place another Assign activity below the previous one.

    • Add the variable PagePath in the To field.
    • Add the expression Path.Combine(CurrentDirectory,"DemoPage","Table.html") in the Values field.
    • This is how your Init PagePath sequence should look:

  6. Return to the Main screen.
  7. Drag an Open Browser activity and place it below the Init PagePath sequence.

    • Add the variable PagePath in the Url field.
  8. Select the Do container of the Open Browser activity and create the following variables:

    Variable Name

    Variable Type

    Default value







  9. Drag a Maximize Window activity inside the Do container.
  10. Place a Click activity under the Maximize Window activity.

    • Inside the activity, click the Indicate element inside browser option. Select the Allow blocked content button like in the following gif:

    • In the Properties panel, add the value True in the ContinueOnError field.
    • Select the check box for the SimulateClick option. By doing do, the click uses the technology of the target application, this being the fastest method, that is also working in the background. If neither this option, nor the SelectWindowsMessages option are selected, then the click is using the hardware method, which is the slowest and cannot run in the background.
  11. Drag a Find Image Matches activity below the Click activity.

    • Inside the activity, click the Indicate screenshot inside browser option. Select the desired button like in the following gif:

    • In the Properties panel, select the COMPLETE option from the WaitForReady drop-down list.
    • Add the variable XMatches in the Matches field.
  12. Place a Log Message activity below the Find Image Matches activity.

    • Add the expression "Total number of errors: "+XMatches.Count.ToString in the Message field.
  13. Drag a For Each activity under the Log Message activity.

    • Add the value element in the ForEach field and the variable XMatches in the Values field.
  14. Drag a Hover activity inside the Body container of the For Each activity.

    • In the Properties panel, add the value element in the Element field.
    • Select the COMPLETE option from the WaitForReady drop-down list.
  15. Place a Pick activity below the Hover activity.
  16. Drag a Pick Branch activity inside the Pick activity and name it PickBranch Type1.
  17. Place a Find Image activity inside the Trigger container.

    • Inside the activity, click the Indicate element inside browser option. Select the desired button like in the following gif:

  18. Place an Assign activity inside the Action field.

    • Add the variable Type1Err in the To field.
    • Add the expression Type1Err+1 in the Value field.
  19. Drag another Pick Branch activity inside the Pick activity, place it beside the previously added one and name it PickBranch Type2.
  20. Place a Find Image activity inside the Trigger container.

    • Inside the activity, click the Indicate element inside browser option. Select the desired button like in the following gif:

  21. Place an Assign activity inside the Action field.

    • Add the variable Type2Err in the To field.
    • Add the expression Type2Err+1 in the Value field.
  22. Drag a Log Message activity under the For Each activity.

    • Add the expression "Errors of type 1: "+ Type1Err.ToString in the Message field.
  23. Drag a Log Message activity under the previous Log Message activity.

    • Add the expression "Errors of type 2: "+ Type2Err.ToString in the Message field.
  24. Run the process. The robot identifies the number of docs image images that have the title Type1 and the number of the image that has the name Type2.

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