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UI Automation Activities

Last updated Feb 25, 2025

Click Text


Searches for a given string in an indicated UI element and clicks it.


The Double Click Text activity has the same functionality as the Click Text activity, the only difference is that for the Double Click Text activity, the ClickType is set by default on CLICK_DOUBLE, while for the Click Text activity, the ClickType is set by default on CLICK_SINGLE.

Warning: This activity does not function properly when used in browsers that require extensions to be automated, such as Chrome, Firefox, and Edge.


  • ContinueOnError - Specifies if the automation should continue even when the activity throws an error. This field only supports Boolean values (True, False). The default value is False. As a result, if the field is blank and an error is thrown, the execution of the project stops. If the value is set to True, the execution of the project continues regardless of any error.
    Note: If this activity is included in Try Catch and the value of the ContinueOnError property is True, no error is caught when the project is executed.
  • DelayAfter - Delay time (in milliseconds) after executing the activity. The default amount of time is 300 milliseconds.
  • DelayBefore - Delay time (in milliseconds) before the activity begins performing any operations. The default amount of time is 200 milliseconds.
  • DisplayName - The display name of the activity.
  • ClickType - Specifies the type of mouse click (single, double, up, down) used when simulating the click event. By default, single click is selected.
  • MouseButton - The mouse button (left, right, middle) used for the click action. By default, the left mouse button is selected.
  • Occurrence - If the string in the Text field appears more than once in the indicated UI element, specify here the number of the occurrence that you want to click. For example, if the string appears 4 times and you want to click the first occurrence, write 1 in this field. The default value is 1.
  • Target.ClippingRegion - Defines the clipping rectangle, in pixels, relative to the UiElement, in the following directions: left, top, right, bottom. It supports both positive and negative numbers.
  • Target.Element - Use the UiElement variable returned by another activity. This property cannot be used alongside the Selector property. This field supports only UiElement variables.
  • Target.Selector - Text property used to find a particular UI element when the activity is executed. It is actually a XML fragment specifying attributes of the GUI element you are looking for and of some of its parents.
  • Target.Timeout (milliseconds) - Specifies the amount of time (in milliseconds) to wait for the activity to run before the SelectorNotFoundException error is thrown. The default value is 30000 milliseconds (30 seconds).
  • Target.WaitForReady - Before performing the actions, wait for the target to become ready. By default, Interactive/Complete is selected. The following options are available:
    • None - Does not wait for anything except the target UI element to exist before executing the action. For example, you can use this option if you want to retrieve just text from a web page or click a particular button, without having to wait for all UI elements to load. Note that this may have unwanted consequences if the button relies on elements which are not yet loaded, such as scripts.
    • Interactive - Waits until only a part of the app is loaded.
    • Complete - Waits for the entire app to be loaded.
  • Text - The string to be clicked. All strings have to placed between quotation marks.
  • Private - If selected, the values of variables and arguments are no longer logged at Verbose level.


  • CursorPosition.OffsetX - Horizontal displacement of the cursor position according to the option selected in the Position field.
  • CursorPosition.OffsetY - Vertical displacement of the cursor position according to the option selected in the Position field.
  • CursorPosition.Position - Describes the starting point of the cursor to which offsets from OffsetX and OffsetY properties are added. The following options are available: TopLeft, TopRight, BottomLeft, BottomRight and Center. The default option is Center.
  • FormattedText - If this check box is selected, the screen layout of the selected text is preserved.
  • The following options are available: None, Alt, Ctrl, Shift, Win. The default option is None.

    Note: KeyModifiers cannot be used with the SendWindowMessages option. No error is thrown when executing a workflow that contains an activity with this combination of options.
  • SendWindowMessages - If this check box is selected, the click is executed by sending a specific message to the target application. This input method is faster and works in the background. By default, this check box is not selected. If the check box is not selected, the default method performs the click by using the hardware driver. The default method is slower, it cannot work in the background, but is compatible with all desktop apps.
  • Properties

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