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Task Mining

Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation Suite
Last updated Feb 13, 2025


User alerts

To evidentiate non-critical issues that users might encounter when recording data, the Alerts are available in the Details column from the Team table.

Alerts Specifications:

  • The alerts do not stop or interfere with the user recording.
  • Multiple alerts can be displayed at the same time for a user account.

Alerts defined in the platform:

  • Queue is shut down - displayed when the user closes the Queue. This signifies that the Recorder is capturing data that will not be processed until they re-launch the app. This information is also communicated to the user via a notification message.
  • Queue is slowed - displayed once a user recorded more than 1000 actions and has less than 15% of them are also processed.
  • Upload Failed - user has a few files that couldn't be uploaded. Upload attempts will be continued, to force the upload, re-start the user's Queue.
  • Network Shared Folder is not accessible - displayed when the queue can't access the Network Shared Folder signifying that the data is saved in the user’s storage. Note that the last Network Shared Folder access attempt is marked with a timestamp.

    Note: Opening the Network Shared Folder on the user's desktop in File Explorer should help the Queue to catch up and restore the access.
  • User recording goal is reached - displayed when the user reaches the user goal set in the Project Settings.

The Error or Alert applies to users for whom the capturing process has registered an issue.

Alerts are shown for non-critical issues and can be resolved using Reset or Restart queue. If not attended, some may result in an Error that stops user recording.

The specific error message is displayed when the Admin clicks the Info icon next to the error status.

User errors

There are different error messages defined for when the user status is Error.

  • The RI errors indicate that something is wrong with the initial recording process that creates captured data.
  • The QS errors indicate that something went wrong with the Queue start.
  • The QR errors indicate an error when the Queue is running. It can be caused by connectivity issues if a shared folder is used.

Please find below the most common errors, their full error code, the possible source, and a hyperlink towards the relevant document.

RI0001: A considerable amount of user actions failed to be captured consequently. This could be caused by other applications blocking screenshots or system metadata capturing.

Resolution tip: other than another application intervening in the recording process, this error might occur if there is no storage available for the captured data.

QS0001: Configuration settings are not received by the user. Reset and Start to send configuration.

Resolution tip: to resolve this type of error select the user account > click the Reset option from the Actions set > confirm your action > click the Start option from the Actions set.

QS0002: Configuration settings sent incorrectly. Reset and Start to re-send configuration.

Resolution tip: to resolve this type of error select the user account > click the Reset option from the Actions set > confirm your action > click the Start option from the Actions set.

QS0003: The user has another Task Mining application already running.

Resolution tip: to resolve this type of error contact the user and ask them to access their PC Task Manager tool > End task for all the Task Mining instances. After this access the Admin Console > Users > select the user account > click the Start option from the Actions set.

QS0011: Path to screenshot folder can't be found. (Captured data can't be written to the User folder).

Resolution tip: to resolve this type of error select the user account > click the Reset option from the Actions set > confirm your action > click the Start option from the Actions set. If this does not resolve the issue re-install the recording application on the user's PC.

QS0012: Path to archiving folder can't be found. (Processed data can't be written to the archiving folder).

Resolution tip: this message indicates that there are issues with the network shared folder. Please check if this was correctly set up as per the steps from the Setup Local Data Store section. If this does not solve the issue, please check if the shared folder path points to the right location by accessing Settings > Configure Upcoming Output > check the path entered in the Network Shared Folder field.

QS0013: User doesn't have 'write' permission to the archiving folder.

Resolution tip: this message indicates that there are issues with the network shared folder. Please check if all the users have been given access to the shared folder as per the steps from the Enable Public Folder Sharing section.

RC0101: Task Mining application state has been corrupted.

Resolution tip: This typically means that the application is in the errored out state, the most common cause is due to the "hard" restart, although other options are possible.

There are two ways to resolve this issue:

Option 1: Reset the recording process

This is applicable when the captured data amount that is stored locally is not significant. It would not affect the data that has been already uploaded but will reset the telemetry on the Admin Portal dashboard.

  1. Please make sure to close the application
  2. In File Explorer please navigate to the %AppData%\Task Mining\Projects\{projectId}\{userId}
  3. Delete the file named user.settings.json
  4. Start the application

Option 2: Send the data to the engineering team to recover the file manually.

This approach is a bit more effort-consuming - should be used in cases where the data loss is not acceptable.

State can be fixed manually with the help of the engineering team and two things are needed to help:

  • Logs from the affected user: those are located under the following path %AppData%\Task Mining\Projects\logs . For most errors, it is possible to get the logs via in-product functionality, however not in this particular case.
  • Two files user.settings.json and user.settings.json.backup that can be found in here: %AppData%\Task Mining\Projects\{projectId}\{userId}.
    Once the file has been fixed you need to replace user.settings.json with the correct version as in Option 1.

QS0022: Too many actions have failed in Queue processing. Please download and review logs for details and Restart the Queue to resolve this error.

Resolution tip: Download and share log files with Support to receive detailed information about the error and Restart Queue for the user to restore processing. See if the issue is resolved once the user appears online.

Note: For errors not listed above or if the steps provided fail to resolve the issue please contact the Support Team.

For details or if this comes as a request from the support team you can Download logs corresponding to the user.

Note: The Download logs option is available only if you access the three-dotted Actions icon corresponding to the user account and is enabled only for users whose status is labeled with Error.

Skipped files

Files skipped in analysis: This error informs that some applications are corrupted or couldn't be captured properly. It is recommended to try again or if this error occurs to more than 5 files, to contact the support team.

Application data

Recording application logs

The recording application log files provide information about user’s interactions with the Web, the Recorder, and contain system specifications.

The recording application logs are accessible from the recording application via the Preferences -> Help section. Refer to Settings for details.
Save logs option in the Preferences
You can use the Save logs option to archive all the logs into a single .zip file. A dialog box opens and you can select where to save the file.
When sharing the logs for an investigation with UiPath® Customer Support, it is recommended to archive the entire logs folder and attach it to the support ticket.
To find logs from the Windows File Explorer, go the following location: %AppData%\UiPath Task Mining\logs.

  • User alerts
  • User errors
  • Skipped files
  • Application data
  • Recording application logs

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