- Release notes
- Getting started
- Setup and configuration
- Unassisted Task Mining
- Additional resources

Task Mining
Recorder settings
The Settings view contains the following options allowing each user to set up their preferences:
A list of the apps set up by the Company Admin to be recorded. These applications cannot be deleted.
By clicking Add App you can add only to your recording process other applications that you think are relevant. The added application is added to the allow list automatically only for you. To make it available for the entire organization, the Company Admin needs to add it to the generic Recorded Applications list.
You can delete only the applications you added and that have not been moved by the Company Admin to the Recorded Applications list.
Access this section to check the following:
- Recording status: recording time, the data volume that has been recorded, number of screenshots, the status of recording.
- Processing status: how many actions out of the total amount of recorded data have been processed.
Uploading Status: how many actions out of the total amount of processed data have been uploaded (if Continuous option was selected in Output configuration).
To configure the recording application Proxy please follow the below steps:
Retrieve the IP Address and Port Number. Depending on your OS system you can do this by:
Windows older than 10
Access IE Settings -> Connections -> LAN Settings and retrieve the IP Address and Port Number.
Windows 10
Click Start -> click the Settings icon (gear-shaped). In Settings, click Network & Internet -> In the left-hand pane, click Proxy and retrieve the IP Address and Port Number.
- Open the recording application.
- Click click the Settings icon (gear-shaped) -> select Proxy....
The Proxy Settings pop-up is displayed. Shift the Enable Proxy switch.
- The Proxy Settings information can now be edited. Enter the IP Address and Port Number that you retrieved at point 1.
- Click Save.
Check the Program name, its Version, and your Username, Organization, and Tenant. Also, you can Open the Logs folder if needed for troubleshooting and Logout from the recording application.
Use Customize Service URL during the Sign In to change how the recording application reaches to Admin Console. This is required for Automation Suite installtations. Refer to the Automation Suite documentation for more information.
Type in the URL you want to connect the recording application and select Sign In to proceed.