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Orchestrator user guide

Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation SuiteStandalone
Last updated Feb 13, 2025

Audit logs for the host portal

The audit logs from the host portal capture the main actions performed by system administrators so that you can track who changed what, and when.

Viewing Audit Logs

To view the audit logs, sign in to the host portal as a system administrator and navigate to the Audit Logs page.

This page lists the actions performed by system administrators strictly within the host portal.

Select the info icon for a log entry to open the Audit Data dialog and notice details for that log entry.

Upon upgrading to 2021.10 or later, on the Audit Logs page you can notice only operations performed after the upgrade. To view operations performed before the upgrade, you need to retrieve the data from the SQL database. For example, use the following query to retrieve user login attempts made prior to the upgrade

SELECT * FROM [identity].[UserLoginAttempts]SELECT * FROM [identity].[UserLoginAttempts]

Downloading audit logs

If you would like to store older logs or back them up, you have the option to download the logs as a CSV file.

To download host-level audit logs:

  1. Sign in to the host portal as a system administrator.
  2. Make sure that Host is selected at the top of the left pane, and then select Audit Logs.
  3. In the top right, select Download.
    A download begins for the file uipath_portal_auditlog_DD_MM_YYYY DD_MM_YYYY.csv.
  • Viewing Audit Logs
  • Downloading audit logs

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