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Marketplace User Guide

Last updated Jan 20, 2025


This is the second step of the listing submission process. Please make sure to read the best practices described below before filling in the Upload form fields.

Description Page Layout

1. Listing Title

(50 characters max.)

This is one of the most important listing elements. It influences your reach on the Marketplace search results and represents the initial filter for Marketplace Customers when deciding if the listing has the potential to fit their needs. Please check the below best practices to guide you when picking one:



Available The title should have the following structure {Capability} for {Software/System}E.g. Facial Recognition Model for Microsoft Azure

Available When thinking of describing the listing use specific attributes that can help identify its exact purpose.E.g. converter, analyzer, validator, generator, manager

Available If your listing is intended for a specific region include the region abbreviation.E.g. ESP for Spain, JPN for Japan, CA for California, NY for New York, etc.

Not available The title should not start with the name of the software/system where the listing can be used.E.g. SAP Activity

Not available Don’t use abbreviations, generic, cryptic, or made-up words to describe your listing.E.g. Simple Data Extraction, Reliable Friend - Robot Pack

Not available It is not recommended to use special characters such as: / \ : * ? “ < > [ ] & $. These are not recognized during the search.E.g. Get_Valid_Files, Am I Online?

2. Image / Logo

This section allows for the uploading of a personalized image to be displayed on the listing's card, which should be reflective of the main concept of the listing and incorporate simplistic symbols. Additionally, it provides the option to include a company logo. If you do not include a listing image, the default image will be applied.

Image dimensions: 100X100


Don’t use images that you do not own the rights for.

3. Version

Commence with version 1.0.0 when submitting the first version of your listing.

  • In the event you will create significant alterations to its functionalities, upon submitting a new version, the updated version number would be designated as 2.0.0.

  • If rectifying functionality-related issues (e.g. bug fixes), upon submitting a new version, the new version number will begin at 1.0.1.

  • However, if merely augmenting the text content (such as supplementing a demo video, adding a documentation guide, additional tags etc.), the respective version number should remain unaltered.

4. Release Notes

In this section please provide comprehensive information regarding the initial release and any subsequent versions.

If there are two or more versions, it is essential to clearly outline the unique features and modifications incorporated in each version for the benefit of end-users.

5. Tags

(20 characters per tag max.)

Specify pertinent tags that will enhance the discoverability of your listing by end-users. Tags refer to terms associated with your listing that aid in searching for listings with comparable tags.

As a recommendation, it is advisable to divide tags into single words instead of using complete phrases, to streamline the search process.

For instance, if your listing is designed to operate with GSuite, potential tags may include docs, drive, email, Gmail, and GSuite.


If the tags are not provided by you during the submission, our team will add them based on the overall submitted information. However, we strongly believe it’s much more helpful when you add these yourself.

6. Card Summary

Summarize your listing in a short phrase that will best explain what it is about.



Available The summary should have the following structure {Action}{system interaction/what it interacts with}{purpose description}E.g. Validate XMLs against pre-defined schemas., Build attended processes quicker.

Available In one concise sentence, clarify what the listing purpose is.E.g. Image analysis powered by Microsoft's Computer Vision service

Available Be specific about the listing utility or benefits.

Available Include the listing type only if needed.E.g. Custom Activity allowing to save email files as a PDF.

Not available Don’t include the summary in the listing description area.

Not available The summary should not be expressed as a rhetorical question.

Not available You should not overuse generic descriptive adjectives or superlatives.E.g. Very easy, fun, perfect.

Not available Don’t include details about how the listing was created.

Not available Don’t mention any usage steps.

7. Application

Select the application(s) that your automation is developed for and works with. E.g. Excel, SAP, Outlook.

If the necessary application name is not on the list, type its name, press enter and we'll add it for you.

8. Overview

(5000 characters max.)

Describe your listing and let people know what it contains and how they can use it.

This section needs to be well structured while at the same time it should keep the audience engaged enough to read it through.


For a listing to be published on UiPath Marketplace, you must include in the listing's Description all details about the UiPath products that are used in the automation or that are compatible with your automation, and the role that they play.

Partners may not include the names of third parties or third parties' apps or other third party products in the text of their listing or product description on the UiPath Marketplace without express authorization from the third party.


To provide the best understanding of what a good description is, all examples below are taken from real Marketplace listings. Names of listing are omitted.

Available Briefly state what your listing is all about.

  • Example 1

    [X] is a software distribution designed to help enterprise IT teams manage, deploy, and retrain machine learning models at scale. By treating distributed systems as first-class citizens, [X] streamlines the path from research to production.

Available The package consists of 5 activities: [then list and describe the activities that the package contains].

  • Example 2

    This simple template can be used as a starting point for automating attended processes.

    The main advantages of using this template are the following: [then the author lists the advantages]

    How to use it: [then authors explains step-by-step how to use the listing]

  • Example 3

    This solution is pre-configured to pass the link of an online health survey form to employees through WhatsApp or email and it would periodically notify those who have yet to fill in the survey.

Available Mention who is the intended target audience for the listing

  • Example 1

    In the midst of COVID-19, the administration within enterprises would find it hard to collect health status information from employees.

  • Example 2

    […] designed to make advanced analytics accessible to any data worker.

Available Address your audience’s needs or pains

  • Example 1

    By using this custom activity you can avoid more actively involved in the normal workflow development for Excel processes. It reduces the time and effort required for tedious automation.

  • Example 2

    Avoiding the scenario of manually invoking each process […]

Available Mention the listing capabilities and features as solutions.

  • Example 1

    At the end of the day (~6 pm), the manager will receive a report which contains various statistics and pie charts.

  • Example 2

    This enables a zero-touch, fully automated contact center solution and complete customer self-service, freeing up agents to work on more complex customer issues.

Now that we got the text structure covered, let’s go through some of the easiest but very impactful copywriting tips and tricks you can follow:



Say more with less

Available Write text in a concise manner.

Not available Avoid long and very technical sentences that leave room for ambiguity.

Make the text easy to read

Available Format text using proper spacing, bullet-point lists, numbered headers, etc.

Not available Avoid big chunks of paragraphs.

Engage with your audience

AvailableWrite as if you are speaking directly to your customer.

Available Ask rhetorical questions, mention use cases or testimonials relevant for your target audience.

Available Finish it all with a powerful call to action.


To make this part less complicated, we recommend you use two (free) writing apps: Grammarly and Hemingway App. They come in handy when you are spell-checking or rephrasing the text and can save you some time.

9. Features

(500 characters max.)

Let Marketplace Customers know what value they will get from using your listing.

Respond to these questions:

  • What does your project try to solve?

  • How would someone benefit from using this automation?

  • How many hours will Marketplace Customers save by using your automation?

If the listing is paid, try to be even more specific and provide strong and relevant data.

TIP: If available, please share stats relevant to potential customers. E.g.

X hours/days/months saved

X processes automated

X money saved per month/year/department

X% ROI increase

X% cost reduction, etc.

10. Upload Image

Please attach relevant screenshots to be displayed on your listing to help your audience navigate easier and understand what it is that you are offering.

Limitations to keep in mind

Maximum size

5 MB per image

Maximum upload files


Files types

gif, jpg, png, svg, webp

Below we also gathered some best practices:



  • Where applicable, use branded and consistent imagery. This will increase the trustworthiness of the listing.

  • Make sure the screenshots are relevant/useful or depict some of the main benefits of the solution.

  • Skip using generic or abstract images as they don't spark any emotions or interest.

  • Don’t use poor quality or hard to read images.

  • Don’t use images that you do not own the rights for.

11. Paste Video URL

Please add relevant presentation / demo videos to your listing. Make sure they are in YouTube or Vimeo format. Those assets can influence the perception of the audience and increase the trustworthiness of the content even before downloading it.

In order to create high-value video content with few resources, we recommend you use OBS (Open Broadcaster Software) as a video recording tool and Descript for creating subtitles (where applicable).

Recommended video formatting settings

Recording resolution


Aspect ratio


FPS (Frames Per Second)

60 fps

Please check out some tips below:



  • When recording, it is recommended that you use the light theme for UiPath Studio and its activities.

  • Where applicable, make sure your audio is high quality and there are no background noises.

  • Maintain the narration at a normal pace. The video should turn out even better if you are following a script.

  • If the content is lengthy, we recommend inserting an agenda and timing at the beginning of the video.

  • We recommend you have a maximum of a 5-minute video. It should be uploaded on YouTube or Vimeo to ensure easy sharing with your audience.

  • Where applicable, make sure you add subtitles (preferably in English).

  • Don’t leave your web notifications open when recording or don’t move the cursor very often. This will distract the audience from your main message.

  • Where applicable, don’t use too many keyboard shortcuts, as we want the viewers to understand what the steps of the process are.

  • Where applicable, don’t use your day-to-day desktop view. Make sure you show little to no personal/sensitive information like folders, bookmark bar, taskbar, browser history, etc.


Once you indicate all the necessary information, please click on the Next button to move to the final part of the submission process.

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