- Release Notes
- Overview
- Getting Started
- Marketplace Vendors
- Marketplace Customers
- Publishing Guidelines
- Publishing Guidelines for Ready-to-go Automations
- Publishing Guidelines for Solution Accelerators
- Publishing Guidelines for Integration Service Connectors
- Security & IP Protection
- Other UiPath Listings
- Node-RED
- Setup
- Teams
- Microsoft Teams Scope
- Create Team
- Create Team From Group
- Get Team
- Get Teams
- Channels
- Create Channel
- Delete Channel
- Get Channel
- Get Channels
- Update Channel
- Chats
- Get Chat
- Get Chats
- Get Chat Members
- Messages
- Get Message
- Get Messages
- Get Message Replies
- Reply To Message
- Send Message
- Events
- Create Event
- Delete Event
- Get Event
- Get Events
- Users
- Get User Presence
- How It Works
- Technical References
- Get Started
- About
- Setup
- Technical References
- Azure Form Recognizer Scope
- Activities
- Analyze Form
- Analyze Form Async
- Get Analyze Form Result
- Analyze Receipt
- Analyze Receipt Async
- Get Analyze Receipt Result
- Analyze Layout
- Analyze Layout Async
- Get Analyze Layout Result
- Train Model
- Get Models
- Get Model Keys
- Get Model Info
- Delete Model
- Connectors
- How to Create Activities
- Build Your Integration

Marketplace User Guide
Get Messages
The Get Messages activity calls the Microsoft Graph ListChatMessages or ListChannelMessages API
to retrieve all messages from a specified chat (ChatId) or channel (ChannelId) and team (TeamID).
object (Message) that you can use as input variables in subsequent activities (e.g., ChatMessage(0).Id
in Get Message Replies, Reply To Message, etc.).
The following steps and message sequence diagram is an example of how the activity works from design time (i.e., the activity dependencies and input/output properties) to run time.
- Complete the Setup steps.
- Add the Microsoft Teams Scope activity to your project.
- Complete one of the following two options (A or B):
value (e.g., Get Chats).
value (e.g.,Get Teams) AND an activity or external process that outputs a Channel.Id
value (e.g., Get Channels).
- Add the Get Messages activity inside the Microsoft Teams Scope activity.
- Enter values for the Channel OR Chat properties.
- Create and enter a
variable for your Output property. -
Run the activity.
- Your input property values are sent to the ListChatMessages or ListChannelMessages API.
The API returns the
value to your output property variable.
The values for the following properties are specified when adding this activity to your project in UiPath Studio.
The display name of the activity.
Attributes |
Details |
Type |
Required |
Yes |
Default value |
Get Messages |
Allowed values |
Enter a
String or
String variable.
Notes |
N/A |
object that contains the channel you want to get
messages from.
Attributes |
Details |
Type |
Required |
Yes (if ChatId is empty) |
Default value |
Empty |
Allowed values |
Enter a
String or
String variable.
Notes |
To get the
Team.Id value, use an
external process or activity that includes the
Team.Id value in its output (e.g., Get
Teams or external API call)
Either (ChatId) or (TeamId and ChannelId) are required. |
object that you want to get the message
Attributes |
Details |
Type |
Required |
Yes (if TeamId has a value) |
Default value |
Empty |
Allowed values |
Enter a
String or
String variable.
Notes |
To get the
Channel.Id value, use
an external process or activity that includes the
Channel.Id value in its output (e.g., Get
Channels or external API call)
Either (ChatId) or (TeamId and ChannelId) are required. |
object that you want to get the messages
Attributes |
Details |
Type |
Required |
Yes (if TeamId and ChannelId are empty) |
Default value |
Empty |
Allowed values |
Enter a
String or
String variable.
Notes |
To get the
Chat.Id value, use an
external process or activity that includes the
Chat.Id value in its output (e.g., Get
Chats or external API call)
Either (ChatId) or (TeamId and ChannelId) are required. |
The maximum number of recent messages to retrieve.
Attributes |
Details |
Type |
Required |
Yes |
Default value |
Empty |
Allowed values |
Enter a
Int32 or
Int32 variable.
Notes |
N/A |
If selected, the values of variables and arguments are no longer logged at Verbose level.
Attributes |
Details |
Type |
Checkbox |
Required |
No |
Default value |
Not Selected |
Allowed values |
Selected or Not Selected |
Notes |
N/A |
object) from the specified a
chat or channel.
Attributes |
Details |
Type |
Required |
No (required if you plan to use the output data in subsequent activities) |
Default value |
Empty |
Allowed values |
Enter a
Notes |
The following image shows an example of the activity dependency relationship and input/output property values.
For step-by-step instructions and examples, see the Quickstart guides.