- Release Notes
- Overview
- Getting Started
- Marketplace Vendors
- Marketplace Customers
- Publishing Guidelines
- Publishing Guidelines for Ready-to-go Automations
- Publishing Guidelines for Solution Accelerators
- Publishing Guidelines for Integration Service Connectors
- Security & IP Protection
- Other UiPath Listings
- Node-RED
- Setup
- Teams
- Microsoft Teams Scope
- Create Team
- Create Team From Group
- Get Team
- Get Teams
- Channels
- Create Channel
- Delete Channel
- Get Channel
- Get Channels
- Update Channel
- Chats
- Get Chat
- Get Chats
- Get Chat Members
- Messages
- Get Message
- Get Messages
- Get Message Replies
- Reply To Message
- Send Message
- Events
- Create Event
- Delete Event
- Get Event
- Get Events
- Users
- Get User Presence
- How It Works
- Technical References
- Get Started
- About
- Setup
- Technical References
- Azure Form Recognizer Scope
- Activities
- Analyze Form
- Analyze Form Async
- Get Analyze Form Result
- Analyze Receipt
- Analyze Receipt Async
- Get Analyze Receipt Result
- Analyze Layout
- Analyze Layout Async
- Get Analyze Layout Result
- Train Model
- Get Models
- Get Model Keys
- Get Model Info
- Delete Model
- Connectors
- How to Create Activities
- Build Your Integration

Marketplace User Guide
Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams is a collaboration app that helps your team stay organized and have conversations—all in one place.
The Microsoft Teams activities give you the ability to automate interactions with your Microsoft Teams application. Integrating with the Microsoft Graph API Beta, this activities package enables your Robots to manage your Channels and Teams, retrieve Chats, and get and send Messages.
If you're ready to start using the Microsoft Teams activities, see the Get Started section below. To learn more about the package, continue reading to see How it works and the Technical References.
Please refer to the Product lifecycle page for UiPath Studio version compatibility and support.
To enable the outbound automation between UiPath and Microsoft Teams, the Microsoft Teams activities establish an authenticated connection to your Microsoft Teams application via the Microsoft Teams Scope activity.
After your connection is established, you can add the other Microsoft Teams activities to create new automation projects, or add them to existing projects to extend the automation capabilities to include the Microsoft Teams application.
This is where we need your help.
To establish an authenticated connection, the Microsoft Teams activities need authorization from the Microsoft identity platform.
To enable authorization, you first register your Microsoft Teams application in your Azure Active Directory (using your personal, work, and/or school Microsoft Office 365 account). When registering your application, you assign Microsoft Graph API permissions to specify the resources your Robot can access on your behalf.
After registering your Microsoft Teams application, Azure Active Directory assigns it a unique application (client) ID that you enter in the Microsoft Teams Scope activity. The ApplicationID is used to collect the necessary information about your registered app to initiate authentication and get the access token to establish the connection.
The setup and technical requirements for both the Microsoft Office 365 and Microsoft Teams activity packages are the same, except for the Microsoft Graph API permissions that you assign when registering your application.
Both the Microsoft Office 365 and Microsoft Teams activities rely on a scope activity to collect your registered app information (ApplicationID). In fact, your registered application may include the permissions necessary to interact with both Microsoft Teams and the other Microsoft Office 365 applications - resulting in a single ApplicationID that has permissions to all of the applications you want to automate.
The difference, and reason why there are two scope activities (Microsoft Office 365 Scope and Microsoft Teams Scope), is the Microsoft Graph API endpoints being used. Currently, the Microsoft Office 365 activities use Microsoft Graph API, while the Microsoft Teams activities use Microsoft Graph API Beta. Because of these different endpoints, each package needs its own scope activity to establish a connection.
In the future, both packages will share the Microsoft Office 365 Scope activity with Teams being added as a Services property option (in addition to the existing Mail, Files, Calendar).
Each Microsoft Teams activity calls a Microsoft Graph API using the request parameters you enter in the activity's input properties. If the call is successful, the activity outputs the relevant response elements (i.e., output properties) that you can use as input property values in subsequent activities, queue items in an existing Queue, and etc.
For a complete list of the Microsoft Graph APIs used by each activity and links to the relevant API documentation, see the page. You don't need to be familiar with the Microsoft Graph APIs to use the activities. These links are for informational purposes only in case you want to learn more about the action happening "behind-the-scenes".
Before you build your first project, complete the steps in the Setup guide.
After you complete the setup steps, see the Quickstart guides.These guides provide step-by-step instructions to help you create working samples of the different activities so that you can verify the connection to your registered app and get familiar with the input/output properties.
To learn more about the Microsoft Teams activities (including example property inputs/outputs), see the following activity pages for a complete activity list and links to the activity detail pages.