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Document Understanding Modern Projects User Guide

Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation SuiteStandalone
Last updated Feb 28, 2025


You can check the performance metrics for your Document UnderstandingTM automations from the Monitor section in the following main areas:
Tip: Check the Role-based access control page for detailed information on user permissions for the Monitor section.

Project performance (Preview)

The Project performance tab provides useful performance metrics for your project, such as the number of processed documents, the time saved processing documents, or the time spent extracting data from documents.

Figure 1. Project performance (Preview) dashboard

Enabling the dashboard

The metrics displayed in the Project performance dashboard are displayed in the form of an Insights dashboard. In order to use the dashboard, you need to enable Insights on your tenant:

  1. Go to the three-dot menu on the top right corner of the screen and select Tenant Profile.

  2. Select the Insights Dashboard URL toggle button to enable Insights.

Note: The data for the Project performance dashboard is ingested asynchronously. Due to this process, it can take up to 10-15 minutes until data is displayed on the dashboard. For more information, check the Data Ingestion for Insights section from the Insights User Guide.


After a project is published, you can check the performance of the automations and important business metrics.

Table 1. Project success metrics
Estimated time savedThe time saved is calculated as the number of hours saved having the Document Understanding process in place, considering a human processes one document page in the configured time. The metric uses the following formula:

{Estimated time saved} = {number of document processed} * {x} (minutes) - {validation time}

  • Number of documents processed: the total number of documents processed using the automation.
  • x: the time a user would need to process one document without automation.
  • validation time: the time the user spent in Validation Station.
Estimated costThe estimated cost paid for the consumed AI Units depending on the Cost of AI Unit input provided as a setting on the dashboard.
Number of processed documents monthly trend, by consumerThe total number of documents processed by a consumer during a month. The consumer can be anything from:
  • APIs
  • Using DocumentUnderstanding.Activities
Validation time, per validatorThe total time spent, in hours, validating the classification and extraction results, per validator.
Time a document has spent waiting validationThe time a document has spent waiting on user action:
  • Minimum time
  • Maximum time
  • Average time
Average handling timeThe average time required for validating a document. Specifically, how much time on average a user spent validating classification and extraction results. You can check this metric as:
  • Total: the total average handling time.
  • Per validator: the average handling time per validator.
Straight-through-processed vs. Total processed documentsThe number of straight-through processed documents is the number of documents processed automatically, for which no validation or classification action was created.

The total number of processed documents is the number of straight-through processed documents and the number of manually validated documents combined.

Table 2. Consumption metrics
AI Units consumption overviewThe number of available AI Units compared to the number of consumed AI Units, grouped by projects. The timeframe they are valid for and the total consumption rate is available as well.
AI Units consumption details
  • The total number of consumed AI Units by month, split by consumers.
  • The total number of AI Units consumed for model hosting, split by project version and month.
  • AI Units consumed for each deployment event for the hosted model.
Runtime consumersThe top consumers by the number of processed pages:
  • API consumer: consumer which has digitized at least one page using the selected project.
  • RPA consumer Studio, Studio X, or Studio Web projects, containing at least one Document Understanding activity referencing the current project.
Table 3. Runtime metrics
Top document types requiring validationThe top document types for which validation or classification actions were created, with the following information:
  • Document type name
  • Number of processed pages
  • Average classification confidence
  • Average extraction confidence
  • Number of requested vs. extracted fields
  • Total time spent validating documents
  • Average time per page
Field corrections trendThe number of corrected fields, grouped by modification (edited value, edited box, marked as missing, etc.), per month.
Field corrects details, by document typeThe top field modifications brought to a document type, with the following information:
  • Document type
  • Field name
  • Field value (case-sensitive)
  • Average confidence
  • Average accuracy
  • Modification
  • Number of occurences
Extraction accuracy metrics
  • Average output accuracy: the number of fields not modified, or the number of fields requested.
  • Validator output accuracy: the number of fields not modified, or the number of fields requested per validator.
Classification accuracy metricsThe average classification output accuracy, specifically the number of classification results marked as corrected, or the number of classified documents.
Classification confusion matrixCheck what document type was confused with other type.
Validation actions overviewValidation tasks, created either using RPA or APIs, grouped by status:
  • Assigned
  • Unassigned
  • Submitted
  • Rejected
Top exceptions encounteredThe top exceptions encountered while running workflows or consuming the models using APIs. The number of exception occurences and the consumer they occur in is also displayed.

Filtering the dashboard

There are multiple ways to filter through the dashboard. For an accurate and better understanding of the available options, let's go through all the options.

Several options are available for filtering the data displayed in the dashboard:
  • Manual processing time of a document in minutes
  • Period
  • Group by
  • AI unit cost in cents



Manual processing time of a document in minutes Select how many minutes it takes to process a document manually.

Select the time period for which the information is displayed.

  • Is in the last
  • Is on the day
  • Is in range
  • Is before
  • Is on or after
  • Is in the year
  • Is in the month
  • Is this
  • Is next
  • Is previous
  • Is
  • Is null
  • Is any time
  • Is not null
  • Matches a user attribute
  • Matches (advanced)
Group bySelect how to group the information.
  • Day
  • Week
  • Month
  • Quarter
  • Year
AI unit cost in cents Select the cost of one AI units in USD cents
Reload the information Refresh the available information.
Hide/Show filtersChoose if the filters are visible or not in the dashboard.
DownloadDownload the information presented in the dashboard as PDF or CSV.
Schedule deliverySchedule a dashboard export recurrence (daily, monthly, weekly, or on a specific day). Available formats are PDF, CSV zip file, or PNG visualization.
Reset filtersReset all customized filters.
Viewer timezoneSelect the viewer timezone.

Schedule delivery

You can schedule the delivery of an email with your dashboard data. Click the three-dot menu , select the Schedule Delivery option, and customize it as needed.




SettingsSchedule Name Name your scheduled delivery.
RecurrenceSet the recurrence period of your email delivery.
TimeSet the time of the scheduled delivery.
DestinationSet the destination of your scheduled delivery.
Email addresses Set the email address to which your dashboard information needs to be send.
FormatSet the format of your scheduled delivery.
Test nowTest the schedule delivery option.
FiltersManual processing time of a document in minutes Select how many minutes it takes to process a document manually.
PeriodSet the time period for the information displayed in the dashboard.
Group bySelect how to group the information.
AI unit cost in cents Select the cost of one AI units in USD cents
Test nowTest the schedule delivery option.
Advanced optionsCustom Message Add a custom message to your scheduled delivery.
Include links Include accessible links to your scheduled delivery.
Expand tables to show all rows Choose if all rows should appear or not in the export. Large tables may render as plain text or limit displayed rows.
Arrange dashboard tiles in a single column Choose if information should be displayed one on top of the other.
Paper sizeSelect the desired paper size: Fit page to dashboard, Letter, Legal, Tabloid, A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5.
Delivery timezone Choose the timezone to be used for your scheduled delivery.
Test nowTest the settings for your scheduled delivery.

Processed documents

The Processed Documents tab provides a list of documents which have been processed with the selected project, either via APIs or the activities part of the UiPath.DocumentUnderstanding.Activities package. If the document has at least been digitized via APIs or in any way processed via the activities referencing the project, it will appear here. The following metrics are available:
  • File name: the name of the processed document. Click the document name to go to the Document Details view.
  • Document type: the document type of the processed document.
  • Consumer:
    • API: consumer which has digitized at least one page using the selected project. Hover your mouse over the field to view the AppId, configured when setting up the external application, to uniquely identify the consumer.
    • RPA: Studio Desktop or Studio Web projects containing at least one Document Understanding activity referencing the current project. Hover your mouse over the field to view the process name.
  • Modified Date: date when the last operation on the document occurred.
  • Validator: username of the user who validated the task. If there is no validation task created for the respective document, N/A will be displayed in the field.
  • AI Units: number of AI Units consumed.

Use the search bar to search for a processed document by file name.

Note: Documents are available in the Processed Documents tab for six months.

Document Details

Click on a file name from the Processed Documents tab to get to the Document Details view. This view provides the following information:
  • Metrics:
    • Total consumption: the number of AI Units consumed by the document.
    • Creation date: the date when the document was created.
    • Last updated date: the date the last operation on the document occurred.
    • Consumer: the name of the workflow created in an RPA project.
  • Classification:
    • Version: version of the classification model used.
    • Pre-validation document type: the document type determined automatically by the classifier.
    • Post-validation document type: if changed manually, the document type after validation. If the document type was not changed after validation, the value will be N/A.
    • Confidence: the confidence score determined by the classifier.
  • Extraction:
    • Model: the extraction model used.
    • Version: version of the extraction model used.
    • Extracted fields: information related to each field of the document type:
      • Predicted value: the value predicted by the model.
      • Extraction confidence: the confidence score determined by the extractor.
      • OCR Confidence: the confidence score determined by the OCR engine.
      • Post-validation value: if changed manually, the value after validation. If the document type was not changed after validation, the value will be N/A.
  • Validation:
    • Task name: the name of the validation task.
    • Task type: the type of the validation task. Possible values: Classification or Extraction.
    • Task catalog name: the name of the validation task catalog.
    • Assignee: the assignee of the validation task (Unassigned if there is no user assigned yet).
    • Criticality: the priority level of the validation task.
    • Task creation date: the date when the validation task was created.
    • Task completion date: the date when the validation task was completed.
    • Valid fields: the number of validated fields after human-in-the-loop (marked as valid).
    • Modified fields: the number of modified fields after human-in-the-loop.
    • Task outcome: the result of the task.

  • Project performance (Preview)
  • Enabling the dashboard
  • Metrics
  • Filtering the dashboard
  • Processed documents
  • Document Details

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