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Automation Hub User Guide

Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation Suite
Last updated Feb 22, 2025

Assigning Categories to Roles and Collaborator Roles

Assigning Categories to Roles

The system offers the possibility to assign one or multiple default or customized roles to each user account and also the option to define the automation categories that they can access, in order to better control their rights to create, view, edit, and manage the ideas and components in Automation Hub.

When you choose to designate a certain category to an assigned role you delimitate the permissions and accesses granted by that role to the ideas and components submitted in that certain category.

For example, if you choose to assign a user as an Idea Approver and select Human Resources as the Business Area category, the user will have the option to view, share, review and assign a Process Owner only for the ideas under the Human Resources Business Area as well as view, upload, and download components only under the Human Resources Business Area.

If you choose to assign a user as an Idea Approver and select Human Resources as the Business Area category and Train and Develop Employees as the Automation Category, the user's access narrows down to viewing, sharing, reviewing, and assigning a Process Owner only for the ideas under the Human Resources Business Area > Train and Develop Employees automation category as well as viewing, uploading, and downloading only components under the Human Resources Business Area > Train and Develop Employees.

Assigning Categories to Collaborator Roles

The system offers the possibility to assign one or multiple Collaborator Roles, in order to make the user eligible to be added as a collaborator in Automation Profiles. Similar to the Roles section, you have the option to define the automation categories where they can be selected, in order to better control the user's rights to create, update or delete the content in the ideas where they are assigned.

For example, if you choose to assign a user as an RPA developer and select Human Resources as the Business Area category, the user will only be displayed as an option for the RPA Developer role in the Add Collaborator form from the ideas shared under the Human Resources Business Area. The user will not be displayed as an option for the RPA Developer role in the Add Collaborator form for ideas shared under other Business Area categories.

If you choose to assign a user as an RPA developer and select Human Resources as the Business Area category and Train and Develop Employees as the Automation Category, the user will only be displayed as an option for the RPA Developer role in the Add Collaborator form from the ideas shared under the Human Resources Business Area > Train and Develop Employees Category. The user will not be displayed as an option for the RPA Developer role in the Add Collaborator form for ideas shared under other categories from the Human Resources Business Area category nor in other Business Area categories.

  • You can select from 1 and up to 5 category levels depending on the categories defined at Platform Setup.
  • Selecting one or more categories is not mandatory, you can remain with the default "All Categories" option, which does not restrict access to the content.
  • The Account Owner role is not available to be assigned to users, as it is automatically assigned only to the tenant's first user.
  • The Employee Idea Submitter, CoE Idea Submitter, and Process Owner collaborator roles are not available to be assigned to users when adding/editing users, as these collaborator roles are automatically obtained following the sharing of an idea, respectively assigning a Process Owner to help with the detailed assessment.
  • Assigning Categories to Roles
  • Assigning Categories to Collaborator Roles

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