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Automation Hub User Guide

Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation Suite
Last updated Feb 13, 2025

Task Capture Usage Specifications

Below you can find the list of requirements and limitations when using Task Capture for documenting Automation Hub Idea Assessments:

  • The Task Capture tool will not open if you do not have it installed on your PC or if the version is lower than 20.4.

    To verify if these criteria are met access your PC’s Start menu > Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features > search for the Task Capture entry.

  • By default, documents captured using the Create New Process Document with Task Capture option have the same name as the idea from where the tool was launched.

    To change the title of the Process Document click the Edit icon displayed as a pencil. This is available on the upper part of the screen in the middle of the application top panel. Once the Rename Process Document pop-up is displayed type in the new name for your process and click Submit.

  • Keep in mind that the name of the generated ZIP file has the following format: TC_name of the assessment. Even if the process is renamed, the updates will not be applied to the ZIP file name.
  • If you already exported the created process but need to make further updates follow the steps below:

    If you closed the Task Capture page where the process was captured, the below information is no longer applicable.

    1. Access again the Task Capture page where the process was captured.
    2. Apply the needed updates
    3. Access Export & Publish and select Automation Hub.
    4. The document you initially created is overwritten by the updated version of the document.
  • If needed, you can document processes for different automations or ideas at the same time as the system supports multiple Task Capture recording sessions running simultaneously.

    Important: This option is possible only if Task Capture is opened and used for different automation or ideas.
  • The size of a document is limited to 200 MB.
  • Task Capture is not compatible with Mac OS so you will not be able to launch it if Automation Hub is opened from this type of OS system.
  • If you already clicked Open Task Capture or open the app please allow a couple of minutes for the tool to open. If you click again on either of these options an error message is displayed.

  • The Edit with Task Capture option is only available for documents marked as Task Capture Document. For details please check the Editing a Document Using Task Capture page.

    Note: SSP files that are uploaded as Task Capture Documents do not show the Preview option.

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