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      • February 2025
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Communications Mining Activities

Last updated Mar 3, 2025

Helper functions

When interpreting predictions, you usually won't need to interact with these properties directly. Instead, you can easily access the data you need using one of these helper functions on the StreamResult.Prediction property:



Returns: IEnumerable<LabelExtraction> What's a LabelExtraction?

This function lets you get a list of all label extractions that were predicted.


GetLeafLabelExtractionsSorted() What's a LeafLabel?
Returns:IEnumerable<LabelExtraction> What's a LabelExtraction?

This function let’s you get a list of all label extractions that were predicted, sorted by occurrence confidence.


GetLabelExtractionsSorted() What's a LeafLabel?
Returns:IEnumerable<LabelExtraction> What's a LabelExtraction?

This function let’s you get a list of all label extractions that were predicted, sorted by occurrence confidence.


GetLabelExtractions(string labelName)

Returns:IEnumerable<LabelExtraction> What's a LabelExtraction?

This function lets you get a list of all label extractions that were predicted for a specific label.


GetLabelExtractionsOverOccurrenceConfidenceThreshold(string thresholdName)

Returns: IEnumerable<LabelExtraction> What's a LabelExtraction?
This function lets you get a list of all label extractions that have exceeded the given threshold.
Note: The default name for a stream threshold is stream.


GetLeafLabelExtractions() What's a LeafLabel?
Returns: IEnumerable<LabelExtraction> What's a LabelExtraction?

This function lets you get a list of all leaf label extractions that were predicted.

Returns: IEnumerable<LabelExtraction> What's a LabelExtraction?
This function lets you get a list of all label extractions that were predicted for a given label and that have exceeded the given threshold.
Note: A leaf label is a label with no children, otherwise known as a child label.


GetLeafLabelExtractionsOverOccurrenceConfidenceThreshold(string thresholdName What's a LeafLabel?
Returns: IEnumerable<LabelExtraction> What's a LabelExtraction?
This function lets you get a list of all leaf label extractions that were predicted and that have exceeded the given threshold.
Note: The default name for a stream threshold is stream.


ContainsLabelExtraction(string labelName)

Returns: bool This function lets you determine whether a given label has been predicted.
Note: This function does not take into account any thresholds that have been set.


ContainsLabelExtractionOverOccurenceThreshold(string labelName, string thresholdName) Returns:bool.
This function lets you determine whether a given label has been predicted and has exceeded the given threshold.
Note: The default name for a stream threshold is stream.



Returns: IEnumerable<Field>

This function lets you get a list of general fields that have been predicted.


ContainsGeneralField(string fieldName)

Returns: bool

This function lets you determine whether a given general field has been predicted.

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