- Getting started
- Project management
- Documents
- Change Impact Analysis
- Requirements
- Assigning test cases to requirements
- Linking test cases in Studio to Test Manager
- Delete test cases
- Document test cases with Task Capture
- Create test cases
- Importing manual test cases
- Generate tests for requirements
- Cloning test cases
- Exporting test cases
- Automate test cases
- Manual test cases
- Applying filters and views
- Test sets
- Scheduling executions
- Executing tests
- Searching with Autopilot
- Project operations and utilities
- Test Manager settings
- ALM tool integration
- API integration
- Troubleshooting

Test Manager user guide
It is very common to use specialized requirements management tools to manage requirements like user stories, epics, or other artifacts. Test Manager supports the synchronization of requirements from external tools as well as the creation of requirements from within Test Manager. In a Test Manager project, there can be requirements that are synced from external tools as well as requirements that were created in Test Manager.
To quickly find your requirements, use the search function and the filters. Navigate within the page using and configuring the paginator. Alternatively, you can use the breadcrumb to navigate between the pages.
Filter - You have two filter tabs to choose from:
- Browse - to list all requirements.
- Updated by me - (predefined) to list only the requirements that have been updated by the current user, running the Test Manager instance.
Search - Use the search bar to find requirements by their key, name or labels (requires full search term match).
You can use the search bar at the top of the page to look for items across Test Manager (e.g., test sets, test cases).
To create requirements in a Test Manager project:
Synchronizing Requirements from External Tools
In order to keep requirements from external ALM tools in sync with requirements from Test Manager, configure a connection first. Refer to About ALM Tool Connectors to learn how to configure a project to be synchronized with an external ALM tool.
Once a connection is configured properly, any requirement which is created in the external tool is also created in Test Manager. The name and description of those requirements are also kept in sync when changed in the external tool. In Test Manager, these attributes are read-only.
AutopilotTM assists you in evaluating requirements for quality aspects such as clarity, completeness, and consistency.
To evaluate requirements with AutopilotTM, your Test Manager role must have the following permissions: Requirement - Create, Edit.
- Open a project, and navigate to Requirements.
- Select More Options for a
requirement and choose Evaluate quality.
Note: Alternatively, open the requirement, and then choose Evaluate quality.
The Provide Supporting Documents window opens, prompting you for attachments or other documents necessary for evaluating the requirement.
- In the Provide Supporting Documents window, select additional attachments. These are used when evaluating the requirement. You can also upload other files yourself.
- Select Next and provide additional instructions that AutopilotTM should use when evaluating the requirement. Choose from a prompt from the Prompt library or type these instructions in the Provide Additional Guidance window.
- Select Evaluate quality to initiate the process.
When the evaluation finishes, you will receive a Quality check completed notification. Depending on your notification preferences, you can receive the notification both in-app and via email.
- Select the Quality check completed notification to view the generated
- Expand each suggestion and update its status based on your progress: To do, In work, or Done.
- If you want to implement
a suggestion, select Add to Requirement.
This changes the suggestion status to In Work. You can either leave it as it is or mark it as Done.
- If desired, you can Remove the suggestion from the list.
- To generate more
suggestions for a requirement, select Suggest More.
Note: Alternatively, use Regenerate to recreate suggestions using different supporting documents or additional guidance.
- To save the suggestions, select Export to Word.
You can only upload the following file extensions, from which Autopilot processes only the text content:
Visit for a comprehensive list of guidelines and examples to help you write effective instructions.
The AI Trust Layer governance policy allows you to manage the use of AI-powered features within your organization. Although all members have default access to these features, you can use this policy to restrict access as needed. The AI Trust Layer governance policy empowers you to limit a user's access to certain AI-powered features or all of them, at a user, group, or tenant level. Additionally, it gives you the ability to decide which AI products users can access. You can create, modify, and implement this governance policy in Automation Ops.
If you want to deploy an AI Trust Layer governance policy and still use the AI-powered testing capabilities, ensure that, within the policy's Features Toggle, you select Yes for Enabling Test Manager features.
Check the following resources to learn how to create, configure, and deploy a governance policy for your organization.
You can export your requirements, separately from your testing project, to import them back into a different project. The requirements export process is similar to the overall project export process. Visit Export project to check how exporting projects works.
Remember that the export doesn't include custom field definitions.
Follow these steps to export requirements:
- Open your project and navigate to Requirements.
- Depending on how many requirements
you want to export, execute one of the following steps:
- To export a single requirement, select More Options for the specific requirement and then select Export.
- To export multiple requirements, select all the requirements you want to export, and then select Export.
- When the export is ready, you will receive a Project export completed notification. Select the notification to download the TMH file containing the exported requirements.
You can then import the downloaded TMH file into a different project to re-create all exported objects. Visit Import project to learn how to perform the import process.
Test Manager comes with a Jira connector pre-installed. On your Jira instance, the UiPath® Test Manager for Jira apps needs to be installed from the Atlassian marketplace. See Connecting a Jira Project to learn how to configure Jira and Test Manager to enable synchronization.
Objects are synchronized from Jira to Test Manager under the following circumstances:
- An object is created in Jira and Jira is configured to synchronize this type of object.
An object is updated in Jira and Jira is configured to synchronize this type of object.
Note:If an object is updated in Jira which does not exist in Test Manager, a new requirement will be created in Test Manager.
If an object is deleted in Jira, the synchronized object in the Test Manager will remain. Test Manager never propagates deletions across systems.
For a particular object, synchronization can be enforced immediately. This can be helpful under the following circumstances:
- Objects are out-of-sync for any reason - for example, Test Manager was not available while the Jira object was updated.
- A new Jira connection has been set up in Test Manager and objects which already existed in Jira need to be synced.
To enforce synchronization of an object:
- Open the object in Jira.
Click Push to Test Manager from the More menu. Synchronization is invoked immediately.
Note: Please note that Test Manager does not perform a sync-all operation after a Jira connection has been set up.
You can apply filters and store them in views for your test objects. Depending on the scope of a view (personal or public), you can persist the view containing the filters for a user or for all users within the project.
- Properties native to a test object (such as Labels, Updated by, Source, and others)
- Custom labels
Follow these steps to customize your filters and view:
- Go to the desired test object section (i.e. Requirements) and select Filters.
- Select Add filter to
choose the filters that you want to apply.
When you select the filter, also select the value that you want it to have.
- Select Apply to include the filters in your view.
- To save these filters as a view, select Views, and then Save view.
- In the Save view window, choose to create a New view or Update
an existing view with the filters.
Decide whether to keep the new view private or set it to Public for other users to access.
- Select Save to confirm changes.
- To apply a view that you created,
select Views, and then Open views.
- Choose a personal view
(My views) or a Public view.
You can also change the visibility of your created views between private and public, according to your needs.
- Select the desired view and select Open to apply.
- Choose a personal view
(My views) or a Public view.
- Navigation and Search
- Creating requirements
- Quality-check requirements
- Prerequisites
- Steps
- Supported file types
- Best practices
- User access management with Autopilot for Testers
- Cloning requirements
- Exporting requirements
- Jira Requirements
- Synchronizing Objects from Jira to Test Manager
- Enforcing Synchronization
- Applying filters and views