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Test Manager user guide

Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public Sector
Last updated Mar 13, 2025

Scheduling executions

Plan and manage your automated test executions using customizable schedules. You can create various types of schedules based on the cadence of your test runs. You can configure single schedules for one-time runs, recurrent schedules set with a regular cadence, and advanced schedules configured with Cron expressions. You can manage all your schedules in the Execution section of your project, under Schedules.

Figure 1. The Schedules tab of your testing project

Creating schedules

To create a schedule for an automated test execution, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Execution section of your project, then navigate to Schedules.
  2. Select Create Schedule.
  3. Configure your schedule as needed, using the following fields:
    1. Schedule: Enter a name for your schedule.
    2. Test Sets: From the dropdown list, select an automated test set that you want the schedule to apply to.
    3. Description: Enter a description of the schedule.
    4. Schedule Type: Depending on the type of schedule you choose, you need to configure additional parameters:
      • Single: This type runs only once. Define a Start date and a Time zone.
      • Recurrence: This type runs on a set cadence with a defined start, and end date:
        1. Repeat: Select the schedule cadence:
          • Minutely: Set the number of minutes for the schedule recurrence.
          • Hourly: Set the number of hours for the schedule recurrence.
          • Daily: Set the number of days for the schedule recurrence.
          • Weekly: Set the number of weeks for the schedule recurrence.
          • Monthly: Set the number of months for the schedule recurrence.
        2. Start date: Set a start date for the recurrent schedule.
        3. End date: Select an end date for the recurrent schedule.
        4. Time zone: Select a specific timezone for the schedule.
      • Advance: This type runs based on a cadence configured using Cron expressions.
        1. Cron Expression: Enter a Cron expression that represents the schedule recurrence. For example, if you want to configure a schedule that runs every Tuesday, at midnight, you would use the following Cron expression: 0 0 * * 2.

          For more information on Cron expressions, visit Using Cron expressions.

        2. Start date: Set a start date for the recurrent schedule.
        3. Time zone: Select a specific timezone for the schedule.
  4. Select Save to create the schedule.
Figure 2. The Create Schedule window

Editing schedules

To edit a schedule, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Execution section of your project, under Schedules.
  2. For the schedule you want to edit, select More Options > Edit.
  3. Re-configure your schedule by changing values for the following fields:
    1. Schedule: Enter a name for your schedule.
    2. Test Sets: From the dropdown list, select an automated test set that you want the schedule to apply to.
    3. Description: Enter a description of the schedule.
    4. Schedule Type: Depending on the type of schedule you choose, you need to configure additional parameters:
      • Single: This type runs only once. Define a Start date and a Time zone.
      • Recurrence: This type runs on a set cadence with a defined start, and end date:
        1. Repeat: Select the schedule cadence:
          • Minutely: Set the number of minutes for the schedule recurrence.
          • Hourly: Set the number of hours for the schedule recurrence.
          • Daily: Set the number of days for the schedule recurrence.
          • Weekly: Set the number of weeks for the schedule recurrence.
          • Monthly: Set the number of months for the schedule recurrence.
        2. Start date: Set a start date for the recurrent schedule.
        3. End date: Select an end date for the recurrent schedule.
        4. Time zone: Select a specific timezone for the schedule.
      • Advance: This type runs based on a cadence configured using Cron expressions.
        1. Cron Expression: Enter a Cron expression that represents the schedule recurrence. For example, if you want to configure a schedule that runs every Tuesday, at midnight, you would use the following Cron expression: 0 0 * * 2.

          For more information on Cron expressions, visit Using Cron expressions.

        2. Start date: Set a start date for the recurrent schedule.
        3. Time zone: Select a specific timezone for the schedule.
  4. Select Save to confirm your changes.

Deactivating schedules

To deactivate an existent schedule, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Execution section of your project, and go to Schedules.
  2. Find the schedule you want to deactivate, then select More Options > Deactivate.

    The schedule will remain but will not run. It will display as Inactive.

Reactivating schedules

If you want to reactivate a schedule, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Execution section of your project, and go to Schedules.
  2. Find the schedule you want to reactivate, select More Options > Activate.

    The schedule will display as Active state and will run according to its configuration.

Deleting schedules

To delete a schedule, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Execution section of your project, under Schedules.
  2. Find the schedule you want to delete, select More Options > Delete.

    The schedule has been permanently deleted and is no longer listed as a schedule.

  • Creating schedules
  • Editing schedules
  • Deactivating schedules
  • Reactivating schedules
  • Deleting schedules

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