- Release Notes Test Manager
- Release notes CI/CD integrations

Release notes Test Manager
March 2023
A complex authorization system can now be handled with custom user roles created specifically for Test Manager users. Start solving your testing authorization issues by creating your first custom user roles.
What other better way to simplify the way you assign test cases to test sets, than by assigning them dynamically using labels?
The purpose of this feature is to assign multiple test cases to a test set instantly, based on labels. And the best part is that you can combine static assignments with dynamic assignments of test cases!
Learn how to dynamically assign test cases here.
After you export an existing Test Manager project, you can import it back into another tenant or Test Manager instance. Follow the steps in this procedure to export projects into another Test Manager tenant or instance.
You can now increase testing coverage and visibility, by attaching various files to a test case result using the Attach Document activity. The attachments appear inside the Attachments tab on the Test Results page.
Additionally, the attachments of a test case result from Orchestrator now also appear in the Test Manager project where it is linked.
V1 of the Test Manager API is deprecated and has been removed from cloud Test Manager.
Learn about updating the Test Manager API version here.
Check out the deprecation timeline.