- Getting started
- Understanding UiPath Robot
- Installation requirements
- Installing robots for unattended automations
- Configuring robots for unattended automations
- Deploying unattended automations
- Connecting robots for unattended automations to Orchestrator
- Setting up Windows Server for High-Density Robots
- Redirecting robots through a proxy server
- Implementing authentication with credential providers
- Using network locations
- Setting up Linux robots
- Configuring package signature verification
- Setting up package folders and network paths
- Configuring activity feeds
- Installing robots for attended automations
- Configuring robots for attended automations
- Integrations
- Governance
- Troubleshooting

Robot admin guide
Installing on Linux
Installing Robots on Linux requires a Docker environment, a network connection to Orchestrator, and the client credentials of the machine template.
. To install the latest patch available, do not mention a tag. The command to download the docker image is:
docker pull uipathprod.azurecr.io/robot/uiautomation-runtime:<tag>
docker pull uipathprod.azurecr.io/robot/uiautomation-runtime:<tag>
To create automations for Linux, ensure you have Chrome extension version 2021.10.4 or later. This allows the robot to execute background and foreground automations.
To design a UI automation for Linux, you can select the following input methods for activities:
ChromiumAPI: The default input mode that lets robots interact directly with Chrome elements.
SimulateClick/SimulateType: Simulates user actions like clicking or typing on a webpage.
Web Recorder: Replicates a series of actions on a webpage that a robot can replay.
Table Extraction: A tool to facilitate data extraction from web tables.
docker run
command. Use this command to start the Docker image.
Parameter |
Description |
Example |
Accepts the UiPath license agreement. |
Sets the URL of the Orchestrator instance where your robots should connect. | |
Use together with client secret. If you use the machine key, do not use this parameter. |
Sets the client ID of the machine template. | |
Use together with client ID. | Sets the client secret of the machine template. | |
If you use client ID and secret, do not use this parameter. |
Sets the key of the machine template. | |
Optional. Enables the live streaming of the Robot execution on Linux through Virtual Networking Computing (VNC). Requires port
5000:5900 for accessing the VNC server.
After enabling the VNC server, use any VNC client to live stream the robot execution. |
docker run
command. For example:
docker run --dns="" -e LICENSE_AGREEMENT=accept -e ORCHESTRATOR_URL="https://cloud.uipath.com/organization/tentant/orchestrator_" -e CLIENT_ID="$Client_ID" -e CLIENT_SECRET="$Client_secret" -tid registry.uipath.com/robot/uiautomation-runtime:<tag>
docker run --dns="" -e LICENSE_AGREEMENT=accept -e ORCHESTRATOR_URL="https://cloud.uipath.com/organization/tentant/orchestrator_" -e CLIENT_ID="$Client_ID" -e CLIENT_SECRET="$Client_secret" -tid registry.uipath.com/robot/uiautomation-runtime:<tag>
represents the public DNS resolver from Cloudflare. You can use any DNS resolver to redirect the SignalR Hub.
directory of a docker container. To configure this, you need to mount the directory containing the NuGet libraries. Add the
following flag to the docker run command: -v <path to packages on the host machine>:/home/robotuser/.nuget/Packages/
For example, using machine key:
docker run -e LICENSE_AGREEMENT=accept -e MACHINE_KEY="{machine_key}" -e ORCHESTRATOR_URL="https://cloud.uipath.com/organization/tentant/orchestrator_" -v <path to packages on the host machine>:/home/robotuser/.nuget/Packages -ti registry.uipath.com/robot/uiautomation-runtime
docker run -e LICENSE_AGREEMENT=accept -e MACHINE_KEY="{machine_key}" -e ORCHESTRATOR_URL="https://cloud.uipath.com/organization/tentant/orchestrator_" -v <path to packages on the host machine>:/home/robotuser/.nuget/Packages -ti registry.uipath.com/robot/uiautomation-runtime
To debug a running robot container, use the Remote Debugging feature.