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Robot admin guide

Last updated Mar 13, 2025

Installing on Linux

Installing Robots on Linux requires a Docker environment, a network connection to Orchestrator, and the client credentials of the machine template.

The Docker image tag

To install the docker image of a specific Robot LTS version, you would need to mention the tag. For version 2024.10, the tag is latest24.10. To install the latest patch available, do not mention a tag. The command to download the docker image is:
docker pull<tag>docker pull<tag>

Linux automations - particularities

  • To create automations for Linux, ensure you have Chrome extension version 2021.10.4 or later. This allows the robot to execute background and foreground automations.

  • To design a UI automation for Linux, you can select the following input methods for activities:
    • ChromiumAPI: The default input mode that lets robots interact directly with Chrome elements.

    • SimulateClick/SimulateType: Simulates user actions like clicking or typing on a webpage.

    Additionally, you can use the following tools:
    • Web Recorder: Replicates a series of actions on a webpage that a robot can replay.

    • Table Extraction: A tool to facilitate data extraction from web tables.

Parameters for the docker run command

The following table summarizes the parameters used by the docker run command. Use this command to start the Docker image.





  • Using the client ID and client secret:

    docker run -e LICENSE_AGREEMENT=accept -e ORCHESTRATOR_URL=""-e CLIENT_ID="$Client_ID" -e CLIENT_SECRET="$Client_secret" -tid<tag>docker run -e LICENSE_AGREEMENT=accept -e ORCHESTRATOR_URL=""-e CLIENT_ID="$Client_ID" -e CLIENT_SECRET="$Client_secret" -tid<tag>
  • Using the machine key:

    docker run -e LICENSE_AGREEMENT=accept -e ORCHESTRATOR_URL="" -e MACHINE_KEY="$KEY" -tid<tag>docker run -e LICENSE_AGREEMENT=accept -e ORCHESTRATOR_URL="" -e MACHINE_KEY="$KEY" -tid<tag>


Sets the URL of the Orchestrator instance where your robots should connect.


Use together with client secret.

If you use the machine key, do not use this parameter.

Sets the client ID of the machine template.


Use together with client ID.

Sets the client secret of the machine template.


If you use client ID and secret, do not use this parameter.

Sets the key of the machine template.


Optional. Enables the live streaming of the Robot execution on Linux through Virtual Networking Computing (VNC).

Requires port 5000:5900 for accessing the VNC server.

After enabling the VNC server, use any VNC client to live stream the robot execution.

docker run -e LICENSE_AGREEMENT=accept -e
ORCHESTRATOR_URL="{orchestrator url}" -e MACHINE_KEY="{machine_key}" -p 50000:5900 --env VNC_ENABLED=true<tag>docker run -e LICENSE_AGREEMENT=accept -e
ORCHESTRATOR_URL="{orchestrator url}" -e MACHINE_KEY="{machine_key}" -p 50000:5900 --env VNC_ENABLED=true<tag>

Orchestrator connection failure

Firewall rules might block the connection to Orchestrator. To address this, specify a DNS server in the docker run command. For example:
docker run --dns="" -e LICENSE_AGREEMENT=accept -e ORCHESTRATOR_URL="" -e CLIENT_ID="$Client_ID" -e CLIENT_SECRET="$Client_secret" -tid<tag>docker run --dns="" -e LICENSE_AGREEMENT=accept -e ORCHESTRATOR_URL="" -e CLIENT_ID="$Client_ID" -e CLIENT_SECRET="$Client_secret" -tid<tag>
The value --dns="" represents the public DNS resolver from Cloudflare. You can use any DNS resolver to redirect the SignalR Hub.

Configuring package feeds

Automations on Linux require certain libraries, which are stored in the /home/robotuser/.nuget/Packages/ directory of a docker container. To configure this, you need to mount the directory containing the NuGet libraries. Add the following flag to the docker run command: -v <path to packages on the host machine>:/home/robotuser/.nuget/Packages/.

For example, using machine key:

docker run -e LICENSE_AGREEMENT=accept -e MACHINE_KEY="{machine_key}" -e ORCHESTRATOR_URL="" -v <path to packages on the host machine>:/home/robotuser/.nuget/Packages -ti run -e LICENSE_AGREEMENT=accept -e MACHINE_KEY="{machine_key}" -e ORCHESTRATOR_URL="" -v <path to packages on the host machine>:/home/robotuser/.nuget/Packages -ti
Important: Make sure that the robot Linux user (UID1000) has read access to the mounted path leading to the package feeds.

Remote debugging

To debug a running robot container, use the Remote Debugging feature.

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