- Getting started
- Understanding UiPath Robot
- Installation requirements
- Installing robots for unattended automations
- Configuring robots for unattended automations
- Deploying unattended automations
- Connecting robots for unattended automations to Orchestrator
- Setting up Windows Server for High-Density Robots
- Redirecting robots through a proxy server
- Implementing authentication with credential providers
- Using network locations
- Setting up Linux robots
- Configuring package signature verification
- Setting up package folders and network paths
- Configuring activity feeds
- Installing robots for attended automations
- Configuring robots for attended automations
- Integrations
- Governance
- Troubleshooting

Robot admin guide
Package troubleshooting
The issue occurs when you use a mapped network drive for your packages. The mapped network drive is available to the user that created it, whereas the Robot Service operates on a system-wide level.
When upgrading to a newer version from an older one, some automations may fail to execute, especially when package signature verification is enforced.
The packages folder holds both signed and unsigned versions of activity packages. When executing an automation, the Robot installs the lowest applicable version of that activity package, which may be the unsigned version. If package signature verification is enforced, then the automation execution fails. Otherwise, it executes as expected.
Once the migration of a Robot from Service Mode to UserMode is complete, the XML files within the NuGet packages become inaccessible. Additionaly, the following error message is displayed: "Access to path C:\Users\john.doe\.nuget\packages\HelloWorld\1.0.0\lib\net45\Main.xaml is denied".
Deleting packages from the original folder allows the Robot to reinstall them in a folder the current user can access, enabling the Robot Service to access the packages as well.
While converting from Service Mode to User Mode, you can modify the location of the package folder. This allows the Robot to rebuild the directory and use it for future downloads.
file corresponding to the project.
The package folder might already contain both:
a version of the package with the corresponding
project file, and -
aversion without the
g project file.
- Packages published from Studio are not visible in the UiPath Assistant
- Description
- Potential issue
- Solutions
- Enforced package signature verification
- Description
- Potential issue
- Solutions
- NuGet packages not accessible after migration
- Description
- Potential issue
- Solution 1
- Solution 2
- Robot fails to download package
- Description
- Potential issue
- Solution