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Communications Mining User Guide

Last updated Mar 4, 2025

Validate and annotate generated extractions


This section explains how to validate field predictions on your extractions.

Extractions can be of the following types:

  • Generated extractions - the model predicts extractions based on the input you provided (i.e. labels, annotations) when you selected the Predict extractions option.
  • Manually-created extractions - you can create extraction fields for a specific label, if the model did not already predict it.

Make sure you provide enough examples so the model can return validation statistics. The validation statistics help you understand how well your extractions perform. In addition, it allows you to fine-tune your extractions.

Fine-tuning allows you to use the gathered annotations to improve the performance of the extraction model.​ It also allows you to use the out-of-the-box model, and enhance performance for your use cases.

  • You can decide when to stop training labels
  • Extractions have different performance requirements depending on the use case.​
Important: If you use the Preview LLM, as a best practice, stop annotating more examples once you reach 25 examples for each field. This is enough for in-context learning and validation, and more examples do not improve performance.

Review the extraction results, and, depending on the case, you can choose from the following actions​:

  • Accept the extractions if they are all correct​.
  • Correct the extractions if there are any incorrect predictions​.
  • Mark extractions as missing if they are not present in the message​.
  • Configure any additional fields if any are missing that are required to enable end-to-end automation.

When can you stop annotating?

Stop once you provide at least 25 examples of label extractions for the model to use in its validation process. Check validation and see if the performance is sufficient, or whether more examples are needed.

Validating extractions from the Explore tab


1If all the field predictions are correct, select Confirm all to validate in bulk that the annotations are correct.
2To add new extraction fields select the plus button, next to General fields or next to any of the extraction fields. To edit any existing fields, select the vertical ellipsis next to General fields or next to any of the extraction fields.
3In the side panel, if you check the box next to the predicted extractions, you confirm that a field annotation is correct, on an extraction level.
4Under each field, you can find the data point that was predicted by the model.

If the prediction is incorrect, select the x button to adjust the field with the correct one.

5The predicted data points are marked in the original message.
  • A docs image icon denotes when a general field is present on a message.​
  • An docs image icon denotes when an extraction field is present on a message​.
6To add or modify any fields, hover next to the + button, on the respective general field or extraction field section.
7To expand the fields displayed for General fields or specific extraction fields, select the dropdown button​.

Validating extractions

To validate your extractions, apply the following steps:
  1. Select Explore next to a dataset to access that particular dataset.
  2. Under the Explore tab, select Annotate fields.
  3. In the side panel, select the Predict extractions button.
  4. In the same side panel, matching indicators marked by a red or green circle are displayed next to the model predictions.
    Explore tab matching indicators
    Note: Matching indicators show whether model predictions match the annotations you made for the extraction fields. The indicators are marked in the user interface by a red or green circle at the extraction field and extraction levels. In case the values do not match, the values either mismatch or are missing. You can re-run the latest model predictions to confirm if they match the provided annotations.

    The states that can be returned by the matching indicators are:
    • Green - predictions match the annotations. Is visible at the extraction level only if all extraction fields have green indicators.
    • Red - either the predictions do not match the annotations, or a prediction is missing an annotation. Is visible at the extraction level if any of the fields in the extraction have a red indicator.

Unconfirmed state extraction

The following image shows what an extraction looks like in its unconfirmed state. On the right pane, the extraction is marked as not confirmed, and the highlighting on the text itself has a lighter colour.​

Note: ​The same concept applies for General fields as well.

Confirmed state extraction

The following image shows what fields look like in their confirmed state. On the right pane, the extraction is marked as Confirmed, and the highlighting on the text itself has a darker colour.​

Note: The same concept applies for General fields as well.

Validating extractions from the Train tab

Note: Extractions, under the Train tab, is in public preview.

You validate extractions under the Train tab experience in a similar way to the Explore tab.

To validate your extractions, apply the following steps:

  1. Select Train next to a dataset to access that particular dataset.
  2. Under the Train tab, select Extractions.
  3. Select the label extraction you want to validate.

  4. Confirm if the displayed message is an applicable example of the label.
  5. Once you apply all the applicable labels, select Next: Annotate Fields.

  6. On the page that follows, matching indicators marked by a red or green circle are displayed next to the model predictions.
    Note: Matching indicators show whether model predictions match the annotations you made for the extraction fields. The indicators are marked in the user interface by a red or green circle at the extraction field and extraction levels. In case the values do not match, you will notice that the values either mismatch or are missing. You can re-run the latest model predictions to confirm if they match the provided annotations.

    The states that can be returned by the matching indicators are:
    • Green - predictions match the annotations. Is visible at the extraction level only if all extraction fields have green indicators.
    • Red - either the predictions do not match the annotations, or a prediction is missing an annotation. Is visible at the extraction level if any of the fields in the extraction have a red indicator.
  7. Select Confirm all and next to view the next message to annotate automatically.

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