- Getting Started
- Before You Begin
- How To
- Build Your First App
- Build a Mobile-friendly App
- Embed Apps
- Embed Maps
- General User Experience Guidelines
- Hide Containers Using a Button
- Include Excel Charts in Apps
- Include MailTo Links
- Include Star Ratings
- Use Count With Choice Set Values
- Use Document Viewer
- Use Master Detail View
- Use Selected Values From a Table
- Use the Send Interim Result Activity
- Set External Context
- Work With Data Source and Value Bind
- Notifications
- Designing your App
- Events and Rules
- Rule: If-Then-Else
- Rule: Open a Page
- Rule: Open URL
- Rule: Close Pop-Over/Bottom Sheet
- Rule: Show Message
- Rule: Show/Hide Spinner
- Rule: Set Values
- Rule: Start Process
- Rule: Upload File to Storage Bucket
- Rule: Get File From Storage Bucket
- Rule: Reset Values
- Rule: Create/Update Entity Record
- Rule: Delete Entity Record
- Rule: Add to Queue
- Using Expressions
- Function: And, Or, Not
- Function: Concat
- Function: Contains
- Function: Count
- Function: EndsWith
- Function: If
- Function: IsBlank
- Function: Guid
- Function: Length
- Function: List
- Function: StartsWith
- Function: Sum
- Function: Sort
- Function: Now
- Function: Today
- Function: Time
- Function: Year
- Function: Month
- Function: Day
- Function: Hour
- Function: Minute
- Function: New
- Function: Lookup
- Function: Filter
- Leveraging RPA in your App
- Leveraging Entities in Your App
- Leveraging Queues in Your App
- Application Lifecycle Management (ALM)
- Basic Troubleshooting Guide

Legacy Apps User Guide for Automation Suite
Using Expressions
To better understand how expressions and operators can be chained together to create more complex behaviors, follow the examples below.
For more information on the subject, see About Expressions and About Functions.
To build a simple calculator, follow the procedure below.
Step |
Action |
1 |
Open your already existing application or start a new one. |
2 |
Add two textboxes with a label in between. Change the name of the controls as follows:
3 |
Add another label after the second textbox. Change the name to
Sum .
4 |
Add the following expression to the
Sum label:
FirstNumber + SecondNumber |
After following the procedure above, the app will look as in the image below.
To build a simple input validation, follow the procedure below.
Step |
Action |
1 |
Open your already existing application or start a new one. |
2 |
Create an app variable called
Number .
3 |
Create a textbox that is value bound to the
Number variable.
Add the default text
0 .
4 |
Add a label with the following text:
This value is greater than or equal to 5! .
5 |
Add the following expression: =
Number <5 |
When the inserted number is lower than five, the validation label is hidden. After following the procedure above, the runtime should look like below:
To return the sum of a specified column of a table bound to Orchestrator output, follow the procedure below.
In this example we will retrieve the sum of a column called Age, containing the age of all people listed in the table.
Step |
Action |
1 |
Open your already existing application or start a new one. |
2 |
Create a table with a column called Age. |
3 |
Bound the table column to an Orchestrator output by selecting it in the Data Source property. In this example we will pick a source called
Out.out_datatable .
4 |
Create a label and write
SUM(AGE): in the Text property.
5 |
Create a second label right next to the first one and pick the
Sum function and out.datable.Age from the Resources list.=Sum(out_datatable.Age) in the Text property.
6 |
Save the app and preview it. |