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Legacy Apps User Guide for Automation Suite

Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation Suite
Last updated Feb 13, 2025

Rule: Start Process

Starts an RPA automation

When you add the Start Process rule to the rules builder, the first thing you need to specify is the process you wish to run. Once the process is chosen, the default settings will run the process in attended mode on the machine where the app is executing.

Managing How the Process Is Run

Clicking the Unattended radio button will change the process to be run in unattended mode.

By default, processes run synchronously, meaning the defined rule(s) after this won't execute until the process completes. If you wish to run those rules in parallel, we suggest checking "Run Asynchronous".

Overriding Values

When the process inputs are bound to controls, the values are automatically passed into the process when it starts.

You can manually set input values by expanding the Input Override section of the rule and specifying the process input and value you want to pass in.

Handling Process Started/Completed Events

The Start Process rule provides the ability to define rules to be executed whenever the process starts or completes.

The example below shows how to overlay a spinner on the app, with a message stating that the transaction is executed, when the process starts and then hiding the spinner when the process completes.

Displaying Process Status Updates

The Report Status activity allows a message to be sent to the assistant or an app during a process's execution.

The example below shows how to set the value of a status label to the message that is passed from the automation.

Handling Errors

A best practice is to show an error message if a process fails. To do this, expand the Error section and add a "Show Message" rule. You can then specify the Title, Message, and Type per the example below.

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