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Classic Integrations Activities

Last updated Mar 10, 2025

StanfordNLP Text Analysis


Analyzes a specified text by using the Stanford CoreNLP Natural Language Annotation Technology, by making API calls to the Stanford CoreNLP server. There are two types of output for this activity, the Raw Result field outputs a .json string that you can further parse, while the Sentences field outputs a list of StanfordCoreNlpSentence variables that can be further processed by using other Stanford CoreNLP activities.

To use this activity, you need a server instance of Stanford CoreNLP. For more information, you can read the official Stanford CoreNLP documentation here.


  • DisplayName - The display name of the activity.
  • Password - The password used to connect to the CoreNLP server.
  • Username - The username used to connect to the CoreNLP server.
  • Language - The language of the analyzed text. This field supports only strings and String variables.
  • Server Address - The address of the CoreNLP server that is to be used for analyzing text. This field supports only strings and String variables.
  • Text - The text that is to be analyzed, stored in a string variable. This field supports only strings and String variables.
  • Private - If selected, the values of variables and arguments are no longer logged at Verbose level.
  • Analysis Type - Specifies the type annotators used for the analysis. The following choices are available: TrueCase, WordLemmas, OpenIE, PartsOfSpeech, NamedEntities, and Sentiment. By default, Sentiment is selected.

    Note: For more details regarding the annotators, you can read the official Stanford CoreNLP documentation here.
  • Error - Enables you to capture any error messages that might occur while processing your text, in a string variable. If the text analysis is successful, the string variable you create here remains null. If an error occurs during the processing of the text, the string variable is populated with the caught error message.
  • Raw Result - The raw results of the text analysis in .json format, stored in a string variable.
  • Sentences - A list of all the individual sentences and the result of the text analysis, stored in StanfordCoreNlpSentence variables.
  • Properties

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