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Classic Integrations Activities

Last updated Mar 10, 2025

StanfordNLP Get Components


Processes a sentence stored in an StanfordCoreNlpSentence variable, retrieved from a Text Analysis activity, and returns a list of Tuple variables formed from each word and its corresponding analyzed element.


  • DisplayName - The display name of the activity.
  • Sentence - The sentence that is to be analyzed, stored in an StanfordCoreNlpSentence variable. This field supports only StanfordCoreNlpSentence variables.

    The sentence that is to be used must be retrieved from a Text Analysis activity that sends a call to the CoreNLP server and processes the original sentence(s).

  • Private - If selected, the values of variables and arguments are no longer logged at Verbose level.
  • Components Type - The type of analyzed components that are to be retrieved from the specified StanfordCoreNlpSentence variable. In order to retrieve a certain annotator from the sentence, the initial call to the server done by using the Text Analysis activity must include the same annotator. The available options are None, NamedEntities, WordLemmas, PartsOfSpeech. By default, the NamedEntities option is selected. For more info on annotators, you can view the official documentation here.
  • Components - A list of Tuple<String,String> variable containing each word and its corresponding analyzed element in the specified sentence.
  • Properties

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