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Test Suite User Guide
Test Cases
You can manage and execute your test cases in Test Manager, or assign automation. A test case can contain both manual steps and automation. Respectively, you can execute your test manually or automatically.
- When you delete a test case in Studio, the artifact is preserved in Test Manager.
- Changing test case names in Studio will be reflected automatically in Test Manager.
- You can overwrite an automation linked to a test case in Test Manager.
To quickly find your test case, use the search function and the filters. Navigate within the page using and configuring the paginator. Alternatively, you can use the breadcrumb to navigate between the pages.
Filter - You have two filter tabs to choose from:
- Browse - to list all test cases.
- Updated by me (predefined) - to list only the test cases that have been updated by the current user, running the Test Manager instance.
Search - Use the search bar to find test cases by their key, name or labels (requires full search term match).
You can use the search bar at the top of the page to look for items across Test Manager (e.g., requirements, test sets).
You can glance over your test cases on the Test Cases page. For a detailed view, click a test case key to open the Overview page.
You can view the test case log by clicking the Open execution log icon. For more information, see Analyzing Test Results.
You can perform the following test case-specific actions: