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Task Capture
Last updated Nov 5, 2024

Troubleshooting guide

On this page, you can find basic troubleshooting steps for some of the most common issues that can occur while working with Task Capture.

Chrome crashed while recording actions

Chrome browser might crash and close automatically while recording actions. If this happens, use the troubleshooting steps below:

  1. Install and enable the extension for the Chrome browser.

    Installing the extensions should resolve the issue and you can start recording. If Chrome still crashes, continue the workaround with the steps below:

  2. Go to Home->Settings->Capturing->Selector configuration -> check Disable selectors for apps with compatibility issues checkbox.
  3. Select the Edit list button and in the opened file, add the following data:

    { "AppName": "chrome.exe", "MinVersion": "105.0.5195", "MaxVersion": "107.0.5304" }

  4. Save the file, and you can start to record.

Troubleshooting a broken template

Template format

If a broken template error message is displayed while trying to import a customized template to Task Capture please follow the below steps in order to try and resolve the issue:

Important: Task Capture only accepts .ssword and .docx files (default file type created from Task Capture). If it's different than .ssword/.docx or you created it either manually or using other tools, it's not accepted by the application. Please follow the steps from the Creating your own template to find out how to create a custom template and Exporting a Template to export the file.

In case the invalid .ssword file was created using Task Capture let's dive deeper and discover what might go wrong with it.

  1. Access the folder from your PC where you store the template and make a copy of the file.
  2. Change the format of the file copy to .zip.
  3. Check the files and folders in the created .zip archive. It should contain template folder and config.xml file.
  4. In case the structure of the folders is different or any file is missed but you can access the .docx file of your template, please extract it from the .zip archive and follow the steps from the Creating your own template to create a new template from it.
  5. Otherwise please proceed to open the log file from Task Capture.

    The log file is frequently requested during the troubleshooting process. To retrieve it simply access Task Capture top-panel menu > Help > Open Logs Folder.

  6. Open a Support request by completing this form. Add the Logs File and the .ssword file that can not be imported to the ticket created for the issue.

Incorrect formatting of the template

If you received one of the errors below most likely there's something wrong with the Word template that you used.

Error invoking remote method output.export: Multi error

Word experienced an error trying to open the file.

While we are working to solve this issue, we recommend you to follow the below steps in order to work around this issue:

  1. Go to Template View page in Task Capture, hover over the template you used for export and click Edit template button.
  2. The folder with the template files is opened on your PC.

    Note: Create a copy of the template you used. As you'll apply several changes we don't want you to lose the information.
  3. Go to the word parent folder and copy/paste the folder of the template you want to edit.
  4. Open this new folder > template folder, > open the template.docx file.
  5. Make sure that all the placeholders work correctly by:

    1. Removing all formatting from the placeholders texts using the Clear All Formatting button.
    2. Adding each placeholder at the beginning of the new line.
    3. Remove all spaces before and after the placeholder.

      Note: You can also play around with the images and placeholders in the template by trying to move or remove each of them one by one, saving the file and checking whether the template works correctly.
  6. Save the changes applied to the file.
  7. Restart Task Capture.
  8. Open a new or existing workflow.
  9. Go to Export & Publish page > Word > Document Properties > Template View.
  10. In the list of templates you'll see 2 files of your template (original and the one you just created). Select the second one, and proceed with exporting your process.
  11. If the issue persists please contact our technical support team.

    Note: Please add the .ssword file that can not be exported correctly to the ticket.

UiPath® Studio export error

If an error is displayed while trying to export your process as XAML file to Studio apply the following troubleshooting steps:

  • Check if the problem is caused by the .ssp file by following the below steps:

    1. Access the process in Task Capture.
    2. Export the workflow as Word Document.
    3. If this works, open a different .ssp file in Task Capture.
    4. Export it in Studio as a XAML file.
  • Chech if your file contains broken steps by following the below steps:

    1. Access the process in Task Capture.
    2. Delete the first half of the available steps.
    3. Export the remaining process in Studio as a XAML file.
    4. If this works access again the process in Task Capture.
    5. Delete the other half of the available steps.
    6. Export the remaining process in Studio as a XAML file.
    7. Access again the process in Task Capture.
    8. When the broken step is found Delete its title and description. The issue is usually caused by some characters.

Actions not recorded after starting the capture process

Check the below causes:

  • Check the writing permissions for user data folders.

    Task Capture uses %localappdata% as the installation folder and %appdata% and %temp% folder as temporary storage. If you have read-only access to user data folders, this can prevent Task Capture to write particular data.

  • Check the Anti-Viruses logs.

    Task Capture uses low-level hooks via the SetWindowsHookEx WinAPI method this is why some Anti-Viruses detect Task Capture as a spying software.

If the issue is not caused by one of the above points please proceed to open the log file from Task Capture. The log file is frequently requested during the troubleshooting process. To retrieve it simply access Task Capture top-panel menu > Help > Open Logs Folder.

Open a Support request by completing this form. Add the Logs File to the ticket created for the issue and the .ssword file that can not be imported.

Forcing a license update

If Task Capture is activated but you decide to use another activation option, the license plan might not be updated as expected. If that's the case, use the steps below:

  1. Open the %appdata%\Task Capture\UiPath Task Capture\License folder in File Explorer. That's the place where all the license files are stored. Each license file depends on the activation option that you used.
  2. Keep only the needed license file as follows:

    • For Activation via Automation Hub: license.codeless.automation-hub.lic
    • For Activation via Cloud Sign In: license.cloud.lic
    • For Activation via Community/Enterprise: license.lic
    • For Activation via Test Manager: license.codeless.test-manager.lic
  3. Launch Task Capture again. The proper activation type should be displayed in the application interface.

Unable to launch Task Capture in Citrix environment

If you try to launch Task Capture and it does not open, but you can see the instance in the Task Manager, use the steps below:

  1. From your computer, press the Win and R keys, then type regedit.exe.
  2. Edit the Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/services/CtxUvi with Name: UviProcessExcludes and Value: Task Capture.exe
  3. Add an RG_SZ in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Citrix/CtxHook and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Wow6432Node/Citrix/CtxHook with Name: ExcludedImageNames and Value:** Task Capture.exe **
  4. Reboot your machine, then re-launch Task Capture.

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