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Studio User Guide

Last updated Mar 3, 2025

Creating hybrid automations - Combining Coded and Low-code Workflows

In this section, you can explore multiple ways of building hybrid automations by combining low-code automations with coded automations.
You can create hybrid automations, by invoking low-code and coded automations in two distinct ways:
  1. By employing the Run Workflow method:
    The Run Workflow method can be used as standalone, and takes two or more parameters. the first parameter is the path within the project of the automation you want to invoke.
    Visit Using the RunWorkflow method to learn how to create hybrid automations using the RunWorkflow method.
  2. By using the workflows object, and then accessing whatever workflow inside that project, either low-code or coded:
    The workflows object, an instance of the WorkflowRunnerService class from the CodedWorkflow partial class, can run all workflows in a project. This object lists every workflow in your project, regardless of folder placement. If workflows with the same name exist in different folders, the folder structure prefixes one to avoid confusion.
    Visit Using the Workflows object to learn how to create hybrid automations using the workflows object.

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