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Process Mining

Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation SuiteStandalone
Last updated Feb 28, 2025

Adding a custom connector to DataBridgeAgent


DataBridgeAgent is a standalone package that can be used to extract data from your source system for use in Process Mining. It contains the Process Mining build and the on-premises connector used to prepare the dataset. Currently, the following on-premises connectors (.mvp) are included in DataBridgeAgent:
  • SAP Connector for Purchase-to-Pay Discovery Accelerator;
  • SAP Connector for Order-to-Cash Discovery Accelerator;

If you want to use your own custom connector, you can add it to DataBridgeAgent. In this case, you need to configure DataBrigdeAgent for use with your connector.


Make sure to use the latest version of DataBridgeAgent: DataBridgeAgent 2021.10.4.

If you use DataBridgeAgent to upload data for Event_log, make sure that the output table of the .mvp connector that is used is named Event_log_raw. If you use DataBridgeAgent to upload data for Custom process, make sure that the output tables of the .mvp connector that is used are named Event_log_raw, Cases_raw, (optional) Tags_raw, and (optional) Due_dates_raw.


Note: The information in the guide is only applicable for DataBridgeAgent 22.4.1 or higher.

It is assumed that you have:

  • a connector .mvp file. If the .mvp is dependent on files in the server data or on files in the workspace, these should also be added to DataBridgeAgent.
    • Server data files you should put in the server data directory.
    • Workspace data you should put next to the .mvp.
  • a Process Mining on-premises (standalone) installation to:

    • determine the application code of module of the connector. See Modules. The application code must be specified in the connectorModule field in the datarun.json file. See Step 4 in the table below.
    • verify that the connector is set up correctly, i.e. the correct tables are set to be an output table.

Adding the Connector

Follow these steps to add a custom .mvp connector to DataBridgeAgent.

  1. Go to the workspaces/Connector directory.
  2. Create a new directory for the new connector.

    Note: The name you give this directory will be the value you have to fill in for connectorWorkspace.

    See the illustration below.

  3. Copy the .mvp connector file in the new directory.
  4. Edit the datarun.json, and fill in the connectorWorkspace and the connectorModule that correspond to the mvp connector. See the illustration below.

  5. If not done, and if the recommendation above is followed, complete the rest of the datarun.json file with the extraction settings.
  • Introduction
  • Prerequisites
  • Adding the Connector

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