- Getting Started
- Requirements
- Best Practices
- Installation
- Installation Considerations
- About Installation
- Azure Marketplace Deployment
- AWS Deployment
- Platform Configuration Tool
- Webhooks AppSettings.json
- Orchestrator Installation Troubleshooting
- Opting Out of Telemetry
- Updating
- Identity Server
- High Availability Add-on

Orchestrator Installation Guide
Orchestrator Installation Troubleshooting
In multi-node environments, the connection string of all nodes must be identical. Make sure there are no inconsistencies as this would cause the nodes to have different connection strings and could trigger errors. Note that even small mismatches such as an extra space would lead to an issue.
Thrown if the migration failed for a number of packages. Please make sure the following:
- You have enough disk space - If you want to store the migrated packages on the same machine make sure that at least twice the size of your packages is available. E.g., if the packages take up 1GB of storage, there should be at least 2GB of free space remaining.
- You have the appropriate permissions - You need Read and Write privileges on Packages.
Workaround: Packages that were not automatically migrated can be uploaded using the Upload Package feature in Orchestrator. Learn how to manually upload packages to Orchestrator.
This occurs when the public key of the certificate is not imported or it is not imported in the trusted root certification authorities of the local machine. Read about Web Certificates for more information.
This error can occur if you've not installed Identity Server along with Orchestrator while using the Azure App Service installation script. Orchestrator only works with Identity Server, thus both have to be installed.
To solve or avoid this issue, perform all the steps listed here to install Identity Server along with Orchestrator.
This error can occur in several situations:
Too Many Redirects
error can occur if the Identity Server's SSL certificate doesn’t match the URL used for Orchestrator and Identity Server.
and IdentityServer.Integration.Authority
keys in Orchestrator's web.config
file and opening them in a Chrome browser. The browser indicates if there’s something wrong with the certificate.
Too Many Redirects
error can occur if ASP.NET Core Web Hosting Bundle is not installed properly.
500.19 Error Code: 0x8007000d
error indicates a missing or malformed web.config
The obvious solution for this issue is to reinstall the ASP.NET Core Web Hosting Bundle.
Too Many Redirects
error can occur if the Host name and the Orchestrator public URL fields within the UiPath Orchestrator Setup wizard had different values. During installation, make sure to enter the same URL for Host name in the Orchestrator IIS Settings step of the wizard, and for Orchestrator public URL in the Identity Server Settings step of the wizard.
As a workaround for the Identity Server misconfiguration described above, you should perform changes in Orchestrator's UiPath.Orchstrator.dll.config file and in Identity Server's [identity].[ClientRedirectUris] database table, changing the wrong, possibly local server URL, with Orchestrator's Host name value.
command-line utility and restart your browser. You should be able now to log in to Orchestrator.
Changes Needed in UiPath.Orchestrator.dll.config
file to the value used for Orchestrator's Host name:
<add key="IdentityServer.Integration.Authority" value="https://Orchestrator/Identity" /> <add key="ExternalAuth.System.OpenIdConnect.Authority" value="https://Orchestrator/Identity" /> <add key="ExternalAuth.System.OpenIdConnect.RedirectUri" value="https://Orchestrator/signinsystemopenidconnect" /> <add key="ExternalAuth.System.OpenIdConnect.PostLogoutRedirectUri" value="https://Orchestrator" />
<add key="IdentityServer.Integration.Authority" value="https://Orchestrator/Identity" /> <add key="ExternalAuth.System.OpenIdConnect.Authority" value="https://Orchestrator/Identity" /> <add key="ExternalAuth.System.OpenIdConnect.RedirectUri" value="https://Orchestrator/signinsystemopenidconnect" /> <add key="ExternalAuth.System.OpenIdConnect.PostLogoutRedirectUri" value="https://Orchestrator" />Note: Replace all occurrences ofhttps://Orchestrator
with your own Orchestrator's Host name value.
Changes Needed in [identity].[ClientRedirectUris]
database table with the value found in UiPath.Orchestrator.dll.config
's ExternalAuth.System.OpenIdConnect.RedirectUri
with your own Orchestrator's Host name value.
- Inconsistent Connection Strings Lead to Errors in Multi-node Environments
- Package Migration Has Completed. Some Packages Have Failed to Migrate.
- The Remote Certificate Is Invalid
- Invalid Identity Access Token Authentication Options. Please Check Web.config
- Too Many Redirects
- Certificate URL Mismatch
- Faulty ASP.NET Core Web Hosting Bundle Installation
- Mismatched URLs Between Orchestrator and Identity Server