Orchestrator release notes for Public Sector
February 2025
To help free up the Orchestrator database and improve performance while ensuring that you can still access your audit logs, we are working on an audit log retention feature that we will introduce in the coming months.
As a starting point to assist you in evaluating the benefits of the upcoming changes, here are the feature highlights:
- Audit logs are stored in the Orchestrator database for a duration extending to at least the last six months. During this time, they are visible and searchable in the interface.
- Once per month, Orchestrator archives the audit logs for the calendar month that has moved outside the most recent six-month window. For example, the logs for November 2024 are scheduled for archival at the beginning of June 2025. Once the audit logs for a calendar month have been archived, they are removed from the Orchestrator database and are no longer searchable. However, we will provide a place in the Orchestrator interface from where you can download the monthly archive files.
- Audit log archives are available for the 18 months that precede the most recent six-month window, ensuring that the audit log data is available to you for the same 24-month period as today. Archives older than 24 months are automatically deleted.
We will publish the feature release notes and relevant documentation updates on the Community release date.
You can choose to auto-refresh logs at a ten-second interval for jobs that are not either in a Pending state or in a final state. The option is available in the Logs section of the job side panel. For more information, see Viewing job logs.
We have changed the behavior around initiating updates during job execution. As such, Robots no longer force an update if a job is still running. Furthermore, during an update, active Robots enter a maintenance mode, ensuring they do not take on any new jobs until the update is complete.
This change also means that the 10-minute wait time for service-mode Robots is no longer applicable.
Orchestrator now determines the package type for packages published or uploaded via UiPath® means, such as packages published from Studio or uploaded to an internal feed, and displays them under the appropriate category for each type.
To leverage the new capability, we have made the following changes to the Orchestrator interface:
In the Tenant context, under the Packages tab, the old interface featured the Packages and Libraries grids. The new interface features the Automations, Libraries, App versions, and Feed grids. Note that we have moved the App versions grid from the top-level menu to its current position under Tenant > Packages. For an illustration of the interface changes, refer to the following images:
- The old
interface for Tenant >
The new interface for Tenant > Packages:
For more information on the new package types, refer to Tenant feed.
- The old
interface for Tenant >
In the Folder context, under Automations > Folder packages, we have introduced a Type filter that enables you to display only folder packages that belong to the types you select. For more information on folder packages, refer to Folder feed.
You can now select System Administrator in the User filter on the Tenant > Audit page.
We have improved the precision of robot log timestamps, which now use microseconds instead of milliseconds. As a result, you should no longer encounter out-of-order logs for events that occur in rapid succession. Note that the change does not apply to already uploaded robot logs.