Orchestrator release notes for Public Sector
April 2024
As announced in the deprecation timeline, and detailed in Classic folders removal, we are now fully disabling classic folder access.
User experience best practices, as guided by your suggestions and use cases, are always top-of-mind for the Orchestrator team. In trying to align our product design to these practices, we are improving the display density of grid information. This means that you will now see tables in a compact mode, which allows for more items to be displayed, ultimately taking better advantage of screen real-estate.
We are confident that the high-density view will provide you with an overall better experience:
The spacing between table rows is smaller. The information is still perfectly visible, as we have simply removed blank spaces.
The number of rows that can fit on a single page has significantly increased, thus making more information available at a glance.
You do, however, have the option to go back to a low-density view, by deselecting High density view from the General > Application settings section of your tenant-level settings.
To better manage your objects (i.e. groups, users, robot accounts, external apps) and make use of all available types of identities, we have split the groups, users, robot accounts, and external apps into separate pages. You can find these under dedicated tabs, on the Manage Access page.
As an overview of the tabs, the All tab includes all objects that have been assigned access at the tenant level. The Groups, Users, Robot accounts, and External apps tabs include the local and directory groups, local and directory users, robot accounts, and external apps that have been assigned access at the tenant level.
To optimize the view for you when working in Orchestrator, we have improved the collapsed filter logic. If there are more than five filters on the page, these are collapsed under an icon, regardless of the grid view that is used.
The configuration of processes and triggers has been improved by prefilling their name fields based on the previously selected package or process.
For processes, the Display Name field displays the name of the selected package in the format <PackageName>.
As far as triggers are concerned, the Name field displays the name of the process, followed by the trigger type in the format <ProcessName>_<TriggerType>. It is also worth mentioning that this change applies to time, queue, and API triggers, and that the Name and Process Name fields have switched positions to follow the logical flow.
In our continual efforts to maintain the highest levels of security and user experience, we have decided to phase out API Keys authentication in March 2025.
We recommend using External Applications and Personal Access Tokens (PATs) as the primary method of authentication.
Expiry of API tokens
Current API Tokens will undergo no immediate changes – they will be supported until March 2025. Please note that after this date, API Keys will be removed from our authentication method offerings.
Migration to new authentication methods
Users currently using API Keys are strongly encouraged to transition to using External Applications or PATs as soon as possible. This shift not only aligns with best practices for OAuth 2.0 but also ensures a much securer and manageable authentication process.
Check out Migrating from API Keys to PATs for step-by-step instructions on the switch.
Any and all name changes made to local groups at the organization level are now propagated to Orchestrator.
Please note, however, that renaming a group several times in a short timeframe means that only the last renaming event is captured in the Orchestrator audit logs. The organization-level audit includes all such events.
You can now benefit from an extra level of detail through the addition of milliseconds to time columns in the following instances:
Exported reports for all available objects, i.e. audit logs, queue transactions, logs, and jobs (details...)
Queue items archive output (details...)
parameter in Users
endpoints is now removed, as announced in the deprecation timeline.
During the first iteration of the jobs side panel implementation, the folder tree was automatically collapsed when the panel was expanded to a full-sized window. Now, the folder tree is persisted even while the job details window is in full-sized mode.
As part of our constant effort to provide you with the best user experience, we have decided to remove icons from menus. This means that our user interface is now cleaner, more streamlined, more readable, and more accessible. We are confident that this change will allow you to focus on explicit information without distractions and the need for interpretation.
via the API before performing the export.
For any questions regarding supported fields, you can check out the new Fields supported for queue transactions exports page.
We recommend that you regularly check the deprecation timeline for any updates regarding features that will be deprecated and removed.
- April 30, 2024
- Removing classic folders
- Changing information density in Orchestrator grids
- Manage Access split
- Collapsed filter logic change
- Prepopulating name fields for processes and triggers
- April 19, 2024
- Support for API keys ending in March 2025
- Local groups renaming
- Milliseconds in exports and archives
- Removing BypassBasicAuthRestriction
- Folder tree no longer collapsed
- Removing icons from menus
- New columns in queue transactions exports
- Deprecation timeline