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Business ROI
important :
As of December 31st, 2023, any version of UiPath Insights older than 2021.10, including all Insights dashboards, will no longer be accessible at all, without moving to a later version.

Last updated May 21, 2024
Business ROI
The Business ROI dashboard provided out-of-the-box with Insights is based upon manually entered values in the Process Baselines widget. These values are used by the widgets on this dashboard to calculate their display data.
All widgets on the ROI dashboard are based on formulas that reference the
Manual Time(mins)
that it would take a human to accomplish one iteration of the process, as well as the hourly cost for them to do so.
The formulas are themselves based off the premise that:
TIME SAVED = [(No. of robot process executions)<em>(Manual Time for process execution)] - [(No. of robot process executions)</em> Time for robot process execution)]
TIME SAVED = [(No. of robot process executions)<em>(Manual Time for process execution)] - [(No. of robot process executions)</em> Time for robot process execution)]
Note: Users with Designer permissions can edit the formulas used by the Business ROI dashboard.
From the Business ROI dashboard:
- Scroll to the Process Baselines widget and select Edit. The Widget Editor is displayed.
- From the Design menu, select the Tabular radio button, if it is not selected already.
- In the respective fields, enter your corresponding Manual Time(min) and Hourly Cost values for all processes.
Click Apply to confirm and save your changes.
Note: For further
customization of the Process Baselines widget and adding additional ROI
metrics, contact your UiPath representative.