- Release Notes
- Getting Started
- Installation and Upgrade
- Insights in Orchestrator
- Insights Portal

Insights Admin Tool
The Insights Admin Tool can be used to perform many administrative actions that may be required for your Insights instance. The graphic interface of the Insights Admin Tool detailed here can be used to perform all functions except upgrading.
- On the machine where Insights is installed,
navigate to the
directory and double-click Insights Admin Tool. The login screen is displayed:
Note: You must log in using the Orchestrator Host Admin credentials to continue with other tool features. - After you log in, the Feature Selection page is displayed:
The feature selection page allows the user to choose which action to take with the tool.
- Enable or Disable Insights for Tenants - enable or disable the use of Insights for tenants. It can also be used to reset cubes and dashboards to the installation default schema.
- Group Data in Tables - upload table grouping schema for large installations.
- Check Tenant Cube Build Status - check the health of the Insights Cubes, trigger manual rebuilds, edit the custom table alert threshold, and download diagnostic logs.
- Manage Custom Tables - choose the desired process and queue tables to be added to the Insights Cube.
- Logs - opens the folder containing detailed logs for the Insights Admin Tool.
Field | Description |
Insights Enabled | Indicate whether Insights should be enabled or disabled for the respective tenant. |
Tenant Name | The name of Orchestrator tenant to be targeted. |
Dashboard Language | Select the language for the OOTB dashboards to be uploaded, the default is
English .
Replace Resources | Required if you are changing the dashboard language. Your custom
dashboards are not affected.
For an already enabled tenant, this replaces Insights resources already created with the default instances. For dashboards, this will replace your current OOTB dashboards with new OOTB dashboards. For Cubes this will delete the cube and replace it with a new cube with default schema. It is recommended to check this when changing dashboard language. |
Dashboard Access | Select the user roles/groups which are given access to the Insights Default
Dashboards from the following options:
Backfill | Selecting Backfill and providing a number of days will import historical
data for the newly enabled tenants from the Orchestrator DB into Insights
Depending on the amount of data being transferred, this can greatly increase the runtime. |
Upload Groups Tab
This page enables you to upload a grouping configuration file to group Data from multiple Queues or Processes into one table to improve Insights performance.
See here for details.
Clean Up Tables Tab
This page enables you to delete any existing tables which have been made redundant by a table group.
The Check Tenant Cube Build Status page enables you to see if the Insights Cube builds are failing and offers the option to manually trigger a full Rebuild of the cube. In addition, you can monitor the number of custom tables created in your Insights deployment, and set an alert threshold (up to the supported maximum of 75 custom tables) to warn you when you are approaching this limit. The threshold is set to 50 by default.
If the threshold is nearly met or exceeded, Insights users will see a toast notification when they click the Insights tab in Orchestrator, warning them of the status of the threshold.
Cube build logs can also be saved locally by selecting Download Logs.
The Manage Custom Tables page allows you to select which processes and queue tables you would like to add to the Insights Cube. In previous releases, any process with custom fields in the logs, or any queue with data stored in Specific Data, Output, or Analytics, had a table created in the cube by default. As Insights cubes can support a maximum of 75 custom tables, this limit was reached quickly if many processes and queues contained custom data. Through this feature, you will be able to select a maximum of 75 combined processes and queues to add to the allowlist.
These processes and queues are not required to have custom fields at the time of enablement. You may add the respective table to the allowlist, and they will be added in the cube as soon as custom data is detected.
The tool will not allow the selection of more than 75 total tables. After 75, the "Submit" button will become unavailable and the table count included in the allowlist will appear in red.
This page will also display the count of groups for the tenant. The allowlist is intended to reduce the need for grouping, as it has mostly been used as a way to limit the number of custom tables. If a process or queue is part of a currently enabled group, there will be a checkmark in the grouped column.
If a table shows as both grouped and added to an allowlist, this means the table was not cleaned up after grouping. This will add the table twice to the table count, as well as impact performance, so it is recommended to clean up grouped tables in this scenario.