- Release Notes
- Getting Started
- Access and Permissions
- Granting Permissions
- Adding Designer Users in Insights
- Interacting with Insights
- Troubleshooting

Granting Permissions
As an Admin, you can manage user and group access to Insights. This role is independent of any role assignment.
- Organization Administrator is set by default as Admin in Insights.
- Access to Insights and associated roles is granted only by the Organization Administrator, by assigning users and roles to the project.
Insights supports three main roles: Viewer,Designer, and Admin.ROI Viewer and ROI Editor are add-on permissions to the base roles. Viewer is the most common role granted to Insights users.
The following table lists the permissions of each role.
Permissions |
Admin |
Designer |
Viewer |
ROI Editor (dependent on Designer role) |
ROI Viewer (dependent on Designer or Viewer role) |
Create, edit, delete dashboards |
Dependent on Designer role |
Inherited |
Inherited |
View Dashboard |
Inherited |
Inherited |
Duplicate Dashboard |
Dependent on Designer role |
Inherited |
Inherited |
Share Dashboard with Tenant |
Dependent on Designer role |
Inherited |
Inherited |
Assign users and groups |
Inherited |
Inherited |
Configure Custom Variables |
Inherited |
Inherited |
Configure ROI dataset |
Inherited |
Inherited |
View Business ROI and Business ROI Queues templates |
Dependent on ROI Viewer role |
Copy and edit Business ROI and Business ROI Queues templates |
Dependent on Designer and ROI Editor roles |
Dependent on ROI Editor role |
A Designer is a user who has edit/copy/create/delete permissions on Insights. Designers may edit dashboards, create new dashboards, make copies of templates to the My Dashboards section, share dashboards with Tenant or copy dashboards shared to Tenant, and delete dashboards. Designers may also set alerts.
By default, the number of Designer users is limited to 10. If you want to add more, contact us to purchase additional Designer users.
The number of Viewers is unlimited.
A Viewer is a user who has view-only permissions on Insights. Viewers are only able to view the UiPath Templates and Tenant sections, but they cannot create their own dashboards. However, they can download the template or tenant dashboards or schedule them for delivery.
An Admin is a user who has permissions to configure Insights. Admins have access to User Management and are the only ones who can enter values for the tenant ROI Dataset and configure custom variables.
The Admin role includes Viewer permissions and is assigned by default to users who are part of the Admin group. You may not remove Admin permissions on Insights from a user in this group.
You need to explicitly provide Designer permissions to Admins in order to allow them to edit or create dashboards.
Correspondingly, you need to add ROI Viewer and ROI Editor roles alongside the Admin role to view and manage Business ROI templates.
ROI Viewer/Editor are auxiliary permissions. You must add them on to one of the two main permissions, Viewer or Designer, or to Admin. This permission is specifically targeted to control who can see or make copies of the Business ROI and Business ROI Queues templates, as well as access the ROI-related Explores.
Users assigned to ROI Viewer have view-only access to the Business ROI template. They can interact with the dashboard, but they cannot copy it to their own dashboards (even if they have Designer permissions). To grant a user ROI Viewer permissions, they must have the Viewer or Designer role.
Users assigned to ROI Editor can copy the Business ROI and Business ROI Queues templates into the My Dashboards section. They have access to the Process Manual Values and Queue Manual Values Explores (where the ROI baseline values are stored), which enables them to build new widgets containing the data entered by the admin for the ROI dataset. To grant a user ROI Editor permissions, they must have the Designer role.
You need to add ROI Viewer and ROI Editor roles alongside the Admin role to view and manage Business ROI templates.
As an Insights administrator, you can manage user and existing group access to Insights. You can assign permissions to groups and we support Active Directory groups, Orchestrator groups, and Automation Suite groups.
- Open Insights.
- Go to the 3-dot menu in the top-right corner and select Manage Access.
- Go to the Users or Groups tab.
- Click Add Users or Add Groups, respectively.
- Search for a user or group in the form field. For example, you can assign access to the Everyone group.
Assign roles to your users or groups.
See User roles.
- Press Enter to add the user or groups. You can add multiple users and groups at once.
Click Save to confirm your action. Users and groups are added to Insights without receiving an invitation by email.
Important: Only 10 users across the entire account may be granted Designer permissions. For more Designer users, please contact your UiPath representative.
You can edit the roles of your users and groups.
- Open Insights.
- Go to the 3-dot menu in the top-right corner and select Manage Access.
- Go to the Users or Groups tab.
- Search for or select a user or group and click Edit User or Edit Group, respectively.
- Edit the roles.
- Click Save to confirm changes.