Set alerts (Anomaly detection)
- Click the
dashboard that has the metric you want to set an alert for.
- Click the Edit
Dashboard button on the dashboard to launch the Insights
- In the Insights
portal, click the Options menu associated with the widget
you want to add an alert for.
- You can adjust
the name and the alert condition. Click Automatic to add
an alert using the anomaly detection algorithm.
- You can also
click Advanced and edit any of the other options. Here
you can add a filter to the metric.
- Click the
People tab and enter the names, email addresses, or
groups that you want to receive the pulse notification.
- Lastly, click the
last tab to add a message to the notification and choose how to
notify the users.
- Anomaly detection
not available.
- Click the
dashboard that has the metric you want to set an alert for.
- Click the Edit
Dashboard button (pencil icon) on the dashboard to
launch the Insights portal.
- In the Insights
portal, click the Options menu associated with the KPI
you want to add an alert for.
- You can adjust
the name and the alert condition. Click Threshold to
choose to send an alert using a threshold and set the condition
for the alert.
- You can also
click Advanced and edit any of the other options. Here
you can add a filter to the metric.
- Click the
People tab and enter the names, email addresses, or
groups that you want to receive the pulse notification.
- Lastly, click the
Wi-Fi symbol to add a message to the notification and choose how
to notify the users.
- To set an alert,
navigate to the dashboard that you want to set an alert
- Hover over the
tile that you want to add an alert for.
- Click the tile’s
bell icon to set an alert.
- Now you can
choose the exact threshold and condition to trigger the
- Then add the
emails to send the alert to and edit the frequency. The
frequency sets how often Insights will check the data for
changes (and to send an alert notification if the alert
conditions are met). Then click Save.
Set alerts (Always alert)
- Click the
dashboard that has the metric you want to set an alert for.
- Click the Edit
Dashboard button (pencil icon) on the dashboard to
launch the Insights portal.
- In the Insights
portal, click the Options menu associated with the KPI
you want to add an alert for.
- Then, click
Add to Pulse.
- You can adjust
the name and the alert condition. Click Always to choose
to send an alert after each build regardless of if the value has
- You can also
click Advanced and edit any of the other options. Here
you can add a filter to the metric.
- Click the
People tab and enter the names, email addresses, or
groups that you want to receive the pulse notification.
- Lastly, click on
the Wi-Fi symbol to add a message to the notification and choose
how to notify the users.
- Always alerts not
- Click Create
dashboard to create a new dashboard.
- If you are
already in the Insights Portal, click the Options
- Lastly, name the
dashboard and click Create.
- Click Create
New Dashboard to create a new dashboard.
- Then, choose a
name for your dashboard and click Save.
*you can also edit a dashboard by clicking the
pencil icon on the dashboard when it is opened in Orchestrator,
which will launch the dashboard in edit mode in the Insights
- Click the More
Actions button on the dashboard that you would like to
- Select Edit
Dashboard, and then you can edit the dashboard in the
Insights Portal.
- To edit a
dashboard, first click the dashboard you want to edit.
- Click the 3-dot
dashboard actions menu on the top right side of the
- Then, click
Edit Dashboard.
- Click the More
Actions button next to the dashboard that you would like
to edit.
- Then select
Edit Dashboard.
- Then, click the
Edit Widget button (pencil) on the widget you would
like to edit.
- Optionally, you
can edit a widget by first selecting the dashboard, and then
clicking the pencil on the widget you would like to edit.
- Lastly, if you
are inside the Insights Portal, click the dashboard that
contains the widget you want to edit.
- Then, click the
pencil on the widget you would like to edit.
- To edit a tile,
first select the dashboard you want to edit.
- Click on the
3-dot dashboard actions menu on the top right side of the
- Now you can edit
a tile. Click the 3-dot menu on any specific tile, and then
click Edit.
- Now you can edit
the tile and, finally, click Save.
- Click the More
Actions button next to the default dashboard that you
would like to edit to enter the Insights Portal.
- Open the folder
that contains the shared default dashboards.
- Click the default
dashboard that you want to copy.
- To copy a
template, navigate to the UiPath Templates tab.
- Click the
Copy button to copy the template.
- Give the new
dashboard a title and click Save.
- Click the More
Actions menu next to the dashboard that you would like
to copy. Then click Edit to enter the Insights
- Click the
dashboard you want to copy.
- Click the
Options menu on the dashboard and then
- Optionally, you
can also hover over the dashboard that you would like to copy
and click the More Actions button.
- Select
Duplicate to create a copy of the dashboard.
- To copy a
dashboard, navigate to the desired dashboard tile.
- Click the
Share/Duplicate button.
- Click
Duplicate to make a copy.
Export dashboard (as .dash
- Click the More
Options menu next to the dashboard that you would like
to export. Then click Edit to enter the Insights
- You can export
this dashboard by clicking the Options menu button in the
upper right.
- Optionally, you
can also click the More Actions button on the dashboard
that you would like to export as a
- Cannot currently
export a dashboard as a
.dash file.
Import a dashboard (as .dash
- Once inside the
Insights portal, click the Options ( +) button.
- Then select
Import dashboards.
- Locate the file
path of where the dashboard was saved as a .dash file, and then
click Open.
- Then click
OK to import the dashboard.
- Cannot currently
import a dashboard as a
.dash file
- Once inside the
Insights Portal, click the dashboard that contains the widget
you want to add forecasting to.
- Click Edit
on the widget that you want to add forecasting to.
- To add
forecasting to the visualization, duplicate the value that you
would like to forecast. To do so, click the More Options
button and select Duplicate.
- If a break-by is
set on the widget, make sure to delete it by clicking the
Delete button.
- Click the
settings menu next to the copied value, and click
- You can choose
the regression that fits to the chart. Click save, and it
will get applied.
Forecasting is not available in this release, it
will be part of 2022.4
- Once inside the
Insights Portal, click the dashboard that you would like to add
an exploration path to.
- Then click the
Options button on the dashboard and then
Exploration Paths.
- Then, exploration
paths will be enabled for all users of this dashboard, and the
dashboard will refresh.
- Exploration paths
are not available.
- Once inside the
Insights Portal, click the dashboard that you would like to
- Then click the
Options button on the top right of the dashboard, and
then choose Delete Dashboard.
- Optionally, you
can hover over the dashboard in the left dashboard pane, and
click the More Actions button and then
- Locate the
dashboard in the My Dashboards or Tenant tab and
click the Delete button.
- Optionally, click
the specific dashboard you want to delete.
- Then, click the
dashboard actions menu in the top-right corner of the dashboard,
and click Move to Trash. Lastly confirm the deletion by
clicking Move to trash.
- Once inside the
Insights Portal, click the dashboard that you would like to
schedule to be sent (this is not applicable for the default
dashboards). To schedule a default dashboard, first make a copy
of it.
- Click the
Share button.
- Enter the names,
email addresses, or groups that you want to share the report
- Choose whether
you want to send the dashboard as an email report or a
.pdf attachment. Then modify the time zone
and the recurrence to send the dashboard.
- Optionally you
can click the More Actions button next to the dashboard
in the dashboard pane and then Share.
- Enter the names,
email addresses, or groups that you want to share the report
- Choose whether
you want to send the dashboard as an email report or a
.pdf attachment. Enter the frequency and
time at which email reports are sent.
- To schedule a
dashboard, first open the dashboard you would like to
- Click the
dashboard actions menu in the top-right corner of the dashboard
and then select Schedule Delivery.
- Select the
recurrence, time, email addresses, and format. You can send
reports to any email address, even to users with no Insights or
Orchestrator access.
- You can also add
more filters.
- Lastly, you can
add a custom message, edit the paper size, and the delivery time
zone. Then click Save.
Share a dashboard with another user inside the
- Once inside the
Insights Portal, click the dashboard that you would like to
- Click the
Share button on the dashboard.
- Enter the names
that you would like to share the dashboard with. You can also
give the user the right to view, edit, or own the
- Click Save
and the dashboard will be shared.
- Optionally, click
the More Actions button next to the dashboard that you
want to share.
- Enter the names
that you would like to share the dashboard with. You can also
give the user the right to view, edit, or own the
- Click Save
and the dashboard will be shared.
- You cannot share
a dashboard with one person directly inside of the product. You
can achieve this with scheduling a delivery.
Share a dashboard with everyone who has Insights
access on the tenant
- Once inside the
Insights Portal, click the dashboard that you would like to
- Click the
Share button on the dashboard.
- Enter the group
called Everyone to share the dashboard with everyone. To
share with all users and groups that have Viewer permissions,
[Tenant Name]-Consumer . To share with all
users and groups that have Designer permissions, enter
[Tenant Name]-Editor .
- Click
Save, and the dashboard will be shared
- Optionally, click
the More Actions button next to the dashboard that you
want to share.
- Enter the group
called Everyone to share the dashboard with everyone. To
share with all users and groups that have Viewer permissions,
[Tenant Name]-Consumer . To share with all
users and groups that have Designer permissions, enter
[Tenant Name]-Editor .
- Click
Save, and the dashboard will be shared.
- To share a
dashboard with everyone who has access on the tenant, first
locate the dashboard you want to share in the My
Dashboards tab and click the Share/Duplicate
- Click Share
with Tenant to share the dashboard with the tenant.
Create folders for dashboard sorting
- Once inside the
Insights Portal, click the Options button in the
Dashboards pane.
- Edit the name for
the new folder and then click the green check to save the
- To add a
dashboard to the folder, click the More Actions button
next to the folder and then New Dashboard.
- Creating folders
for dashboard sorting is not currently available.
Add filter to custom dashboard
- From the Insights
portal, click the dashboard that you want to add a filter
- On the right side
of the dashboard, click the Options button in the filters
- Add the filter
you want to the dashboard and click OK.
- Navigate to the
dashboard that you want to add a filter to.
- Then, edit the
- Now you can add a
filter to the dashboard. Click Filters and then Add
- Add the field you
want to filter the dashboard with.
- Edit the title
for the filter, the way the filter is presented, and the
- Lastly, choose
which tiles should be filtered by this new field and click
Process baselines/ROI dashboard
- Once inside the
Insights Portal, click the Business ROI Dashboard under
the OOTB folder.
- Make a copy of
this to own it locally.
- Scroll to the
Process Baselines widget and select Edit. From
the Design menu, select the Tabular radio button. Enter
the corresponding Manual Time(min) and Hourly Cost
values for all processes. You can also add in more custom
columns and lastly click Apply to confirm and save your
- To access
anything related to the ROI Dataset, you will also need ROI
editor permissions. First, make a copy of the Business ROI
- Then edit the
dashboard itself.
- Add a
visualization tile or open up an existing tile. Click the
Process Manual Values or Queue Manual Values
Suggested fields when building widget
- Once inside the
Insights Portal, edit a dashboard or create a new
- Click the Add
Widget button.
- Here you can see
the suggested fields when building a widget.
- Not available in
Insights 2021.10.
Building a dashboard with custom fields from Robot
Logs and Queues
- Once inside the
Insights Portal, create a new dashboard or edit an existing
- Click Select
Data and choose the available tenant data source.
- Custom variables
that have been added via the Add Log Fields activity are
found in a new table created in Insights containing those custom
fields with the title Process- <your process name>.
These custom fields are extracted from the raw message and added
to the table in the
format. Locate the process to see the custom variables.
- If custom fields
are detected by Insights in a queue, a custom table is created
in the data model called Queue-<your queue name>.
The fields will be identified via the input they were stored
- Custom variables
that have been added via the Add Queue Item in the
ItemInformation property will be named
- Custom variables
that have been added via the Set Transaction Status
activity are found in AnalyticsData_<yourfieldname>
if they were stored under the analytics property, or
Output_<yourfieldname> if they were stored
under the Output property.
Custom fields from Robot Logs and Queues are not
available in 2021.10.0, they are coming in 2022.4.
Add value labels to visualizations
- Once inside the
Insights Portal, click the dashboard with the visualizations
that you want to add value labels to.
- Click the
Edit button next to the desired widget.
- Turn on the value
label for the widget and click Apply.
- You can add total
values where the values appear at the top of each column:
or relative values where the values are broken down:
- Navigate to the
dashboard that you want to add value labels to the
- Then edit the
tile you want to add value labels to.
- Click the
Edit/Gear icon and navigate to the Values
- Turn on value
labels by clicking the text that says
Labels and then click Save.
- Once inside the
Insights Portal, click the dashboard with the widget that you
want to add a title to, or create a new widget in.
- To add a title
for a new widget, create a new widget and then add the title as
shown in the following image:
- To edit t title
of an existing widget, click the pencil icon next to the
- Click the current
name and replace it with the name you desire and click
- To add a title to
a tile, first navigate to a dashboard and edit the
- Add a new tile as
a visualization.
- Choose the
explore you want to use for your visualization.
- Replace the word
Untitled with the new title you want to
- To replace an
existing tile’s title, navigate to the dashboard, edit the
dashboard, and edit the tile. Click the tile’s title, replace
the text, and click Save.
Add description to widget
- Once inside the
Insights Portal, click the dashboard that you want to add a
widget’s description to.
- To edit a
description of an existing widget, click the pencil next to the
- Click the
information button and start typing a description.
- Click
Apply to save the changes.
- To add a
description to a tile, fist navigate to the dashboard where the
tile occurs. Then edit the dashboard.
- Click the 3-dot
button (Edit Tile button) on the tile and then click
Add Note.
- Enter the
description you want in the note text field and adjust the
display location. Click Add.