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Automation Suite admin guide
Managing system administrators
System administrators, also known as host administrators, have the required privileges to configure all host-level settings, which apply for all your organizations and tenants.
After completing the installation, the admin user account is automatically provisioned which has system administrator privileges.
Where can I get the credentials?
, are available in the cluster_config.json file.
You can use this account to log in to the host portal. If needed, with this account you can create additional system administrator accounts.
As a system administrators, you can change the details of another system administrator account, including the account password.
To edit account details of an existing system administrator account:
- Log in to the host portal with a system administrator account. The host portal opens.
- Select Users. The Users page opens displaying the list of system administrators.
- Select the Edit icon at the right end of the account row. The Edit User panel opens from the right of the window.
- Edit the information as needed.
- Select Save to apply your changes and close the panel.
As a system administrator, you can delete system administrator accounts to prohibit a user from accessing the host portals.
To remove a system administrator account:
- Log in to the host portal with a system administrator account. The host portal opens.
- Select Users. The Users page opens displaying the list of system administrators.
- Select the Delete icon at the right end of the account row.
- In the confirmation dialog, select Delete to confirm the action.
The account is removed from the users list and can no longer log in to the host portal.