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Document Understanding Activities

Last updated Mar 3, 2025

ExtractionResult Class

ExtractionResult is a public class that represents an extraction result for a part of a document.


  • Namespace: UiPath.DocumentProcessing.Contracts.Results
  • Assembly: UiPath.DocumentProcessing.Contracts


A public class that represents an extraction result for a part of a document.

Note: Starting with UiPath.DocumentProcessing.Contracts package v1.17, the ExtractionResult.FlattenFields() method has been marked as obsolete. This structure will be removed in the future. Support for sub-fields at value level is obsolete and table fields are now represented using a new data structure.


ExtractionResult() - Initializes a new instance of the ExtractionResult class with no arguments.
  • AsClassificationResult() - Returns a UiPath.DocumentProcessing.Contracts.Results.ClassificationResult generated using the information from the ExtractionResult object.
  • AsDataSet (<bool>) - Returns a System.Data.DataSet containing multiple System.Data.DataTable in the .Tables collection. This collection contains a table called Simple Fields, that contains all fields as columns and all reported values for a field as values in the table. If a field has no value in the ExtractionResult, then no value is reported. If a table field has a value, it is reported as the string table, which is a marker of the fact that there is a DataTable with the field name that contains column fields as columns, and values for each row as values in the DataTable.
  • AsDataSet (<bool>, <bool>) - Returns a System.Data.DataSet containing multiple System.Data.DataTable in the .Tables collection. This collection contains a table called Simple Fields, that contains all fields as columns and all reported values for a field as values in the table. If a field has no value in the ExtractionResult, then no value is reported. If a table field has a value, it is reported as the string table, which is a marker of the fact that there is a DataTable with the field name that contains column fields as columns, and values for each row as values in the DataTable.
  • Deserialize (<string> ) - A static method that returns a new instance of the ExtractionResult class with the contents serialized in the input string.
  • EnumerateValues (System.Func<UiPath.DocumentProcessing.Contracts.Results.ResultsValue, <bool>) - Allows you to iterate over all values in the results document, including table cell values.
  • FlattenFields (System.Func<UiPath.DocumentProcessing.Contracts.Results.ResultsDataPoint, <bool>) - Flattens the fields in UiPath.DocumentProcessing.Contracts.Results.ExtractionResult.ResultsDocument and filters them based on the condition.
    Warning: This method is obsolete.
  • GetDocumentType() - Returns a string containing the DocumentTypeId of the ExtractionResult object.
  • GetFields (System.Func<UiPath.DocumentProcessing.Contracts.Results.ResultsDataPoint, <bool>) - Filters the fields in UiPath.DocumentProcessing.Contracts.Results.ExtractionResult.ResultsDocument that satisfy the condition.
  • GetField (<string>) - Returns the field with the specified field ID or null if it doesn't exist.
  • GetSimpleFieldValues (<string>) - Returns a list of UiPath.DocumentProcessing.Contracts.Results.SimpleFieldValue for the input fieldId.
  • GetTable (<string>) - Returns the table with the specified id or null if it doesn't exist.
  • GetTableFieldValue (<string>, <int>) - Returns a UiPath.DocumentProcessing.Contracts.Results.TableFieldValue containing cell values for the required fieldId. By default, this field is set to 0.
  • IsAnyFieldOrTableCellMissing() bool - Determines whether there is any data point or table cell which doesn't have values.
    Note: Only a single value for a table field is supported. The valueIndex can therefore only be set to 0.
  • GetValueCount(<string>) - Returns an integer containing the number of values associated with the provided fieldId.
  • Serialize() string- Returns a string containing the serialized representation of the ExtractionResult object.
  • GetFieldValidatorNotes(<fieldId>) - Returns the field value containing validator notes with the specified field id, or null if it doesn't exist.
  • SetFieldValidatorNotes(<fieldId>, <validatorNote>) - Set the field value for validator notes with the specified field ID, if notes are activated for that field.
  • DocumentId String - The name of the document for which the extraction results are reported.
  • ExtractorPayloads String - Additional information provided by extractors.
  • ResultsDocument UiPath.DocumentProcessing.Contracts.Results.ResultsDocument - The details of the classification and data extraction structure.
  • ResultsVersion Int - The version of the ExtractionResult reported for the document. Starts at 0 when automatic extraction is performed and should be increased by one each time the contents of the object are changed, for tracking purposes.
  • Definition
  • Description
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