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Document Understanding Activities

Last updated Mar 3, 2025

Create Document Validation Artifacts



The Create Document Validation Artifacts activity stores all data required for loading a document in an Apps Validation Control into the storage bucket of your choice, and returns an object that can further be used as input for the Create App Task activity. The information that the activity requires is:
  • Storage bucket data – This data controls where you want to store the action that you send for validating the document.
  • Document information – Any information specific to the document that should be reviewed.

The output object of the Create Document Validation Artifacts activity is ContentValidationData.

Project compatibility

Windows - Legacy | Windows


Designer panel
Storage Details - Captures the storage bucket details where you want to store the action that you send out to review.
  • Bucket Folder Path: The folder path to the storage bucket where you want to create the action.
  • Bucket Name: The name of the storage bucket where you want to store action data.

    The storage bucket should exist in the same Orchestrator folder as the one the action will be created in.

  • Bucket Directory Path: The directory path within the previously inputted storage bucket where you want to store action data.

    This field only supports string values, with "/" as the separator to indicate subdirectories. For example "Finance/AccountsPayable".

Content Validation Data Input - Captures data on the document that you want to send out for validation.
  • Document Path: The path of the document that you want to send out for validation.
  • Document Text: The Document Text variable output by the Digitize Document activity, which precedes the Create Document Validation Artifacts activity.
  • Document Object Model: The Document Object Model variable output by the Digitize Document activity, which precedes the Create Document Validation Artifacts activity.
  • Taxonomy: The taxonomy variable against which you want to validate the document.
  • Automatic Extraction Results: Provide a variable of type ExtractionResult, which contains automatically generated extraction results, that the reviewer in Action Center can already validate.

    If you leave this field empty, then the Validation Station will require full manual processing in Action Center.

Content Validation Data Output
  • Content Validation Data Output: The output variable where all the information about the processed document and the information on the location of action data is stored. You later use this output variable as input for the Retrieve Document Validation Artifacts activity.
Properties panel


  • ContinueOnError: Specifies if the automation should continue even when the activity throws an error. This field only supports Boolean values (True, False). The default value is False. As a result, if the field is blank and an error is thrown, the execution of the project stops. If the value is set to True, the execution of the project continues regardless of any error.
  • DisplayName: The display name of the activity.
  • RetryOnFailure: Automatically retries the machine learning model execution, to eliminate transient network errors. If checked, the activity retries the execution.
  • Timeout (milliseconds): Specifies the waiting time (in milliseconds) for the activity to connect to Orchestrator before an error is thrown. The default value is 30000 milliseconds (30 seconds). This field supports only integer and Int32 variables.

Content Validation Data Input

  • Automatic Extraction Results: Provide a variable of type ExtractionResult, which contains automatically generated extraction results, that the reviewer in Action Center can already validate.

    If you leave this field empty, then the Validation Station will require full manual processing in Action Center.

  • Document Object Model: The Document Object Model variable output by the Digitize Document activity, which precedes the Create Document Validation Artifacts activity.
  • Document Path: The path of the document that you want to send out for validation.
  • Document Text: The Document Text variable output by the Digitize Document activity, which precedes the Create Document Validation Artifacts activity.
  • Taxonomy: The taxonomy variable against which you want to validate the document.

Content Validation Output

  • Content Validation Data Output: The output variable where all the information about the processed document and the information on the location of action data is located. You later use this output variable as input for the Retrieve Document Validation Artifacts activity.


  • Private: If selected, the values of variables and arguments are no longer logged at Verbose level.
  • ShowOnlyRelevantPageRange: If set to True, shows only the relevant page ranges.
  • Description
  • Project compatibility
  • Configuration

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