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Test Manager user guide

Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public Sector
Last updated Mar 13, 2025

Working with Heatmap

This page guides you through the user journey of interacting with the Heatmap. The page leads you through various stages, including creating test cases in Studio, setting up Heatmap ratios and configurations, examining and testing transactions, and running test sets. Check the following topics to start using the Heatmap.

Create test cases in Studio

To get started with the Heatmap, you need to create test cases for your SAP transactions with UiPath Studio. To ensure the Heatmap accurately shows which transactions are covered by tests and their status, you need to set the Studio project Enable SAP monitoring setting to True.

Linkage and connection between heatmap, test cases and transactions

All transactions inside the heatmap have a unique label automatically assigned to them at runtime. The label has the following format: TRAN:SAP_CODE or PROG:SAPPROGRAM.
The information about real executed transactions and their dependencies are collected at runtime. To allow test cases to link to the executed transactions, go to your Studio project settings, and under UI Automation Classic, set Enable SAP monitoring to True. This setting is available only for Test Automation projects.
Note: Enabling SAP monitoring under UI Automation Classic will also link test cases and transactions for UI Automation modern activities.
For example, a transaction named Create Purchase Order, with ME21N as its SAP code, has the  TRAN:ME21N label. If you want to create a test case for this transaction, the same label appears in the Labels field of the Create Test Case dialog box.

Configure Heatmap ratios and settings

After you create test cases in UiPath Studio for your SAP transactions, you can configure the ratios and settings based on which the Heatmap will display the test relevance and coverage.

Heatmap ratios

The heatmap is created based on the values of the following SAP attributes:

SAP attributeDescriptionDefault value
UsersThe number of users using the transaction.40
ExecutionThe number of executions per transaction.10
TimeThe overall processing time it takes for a transaction to execute.10
ObjectThe number of development objects used in a transaction, such as screens, functional modules, tables. 10
IntensityThe type of transaction:
  • High intensity transactions are considered the Create type of transaction
  • Medium-intensity transactions are considered the Change type of transactions
  • Low-intensity transactions are considered the Display type of transactions)
The sum of all assignment ratios must equal 100.
SAP FIORI landing pages

Additionally, you can enable or disable the Visibility of SAP Fiori landing pages in the heatmap.

Direct connection to SAP instance

The settings can be adjusted based on the customer needs from the top-right corner of the heatmap .

Connection with CSV file

You configure them when downloading the CSV file from SAP, in the Parameters tab.

Changing the heatmap settings

Changing the heatmap settings involves changing the assignment ratios of the SAP attributes used to generate the heatmap, and switching its visibility regarding SAP FIORI landing pages.

Direct connection to SAP instance

  1. Select the gear icon docs image in the top-right to open the Heatmap settings.
  2. Change the assignment ratios according to your use case.
    For example, to highlight the most intense transactions (of type Create), rather than the most used ones, change the User ratio to 10, and then the Intensity ratio to 60.
  3. Under Visibility, select the Display SAP FIORI landing pages toggle, to display SAP FIORI landing pages in the heatmap.

Connection with CSV file

After you run the Z_UIPATH_CUST_HEATMAP_DOWNLOAD program, go in the Parameters tab and configure the ratios.

Visit Heatmap ratios to learn more about SAP attributes and assignment ratios.

Analyze and test transactions

After you create tests for your SAP transactions, and configure the Heatmap ratios, you can start analyzing the results and testing specific transactions. Check the following sections for information on how to leverage the Heatmap.

Understanding the Heatmap results

The analysis of Heatmap results involves viewing the test coverage of your transactions, filtering test coverage types, and reviewing transaction overviews. Explore the following topics to gain a comprehensive understanding of how to examine Heatmap results.

Viewing test coverage for transactions

To see which transactions have automated tests, and the results:

  1. Under the heatmap, select Passed to see the transactions that passed their test results.
  2. Under the heatmap, select Failed to see the transactions that failed their test results.
  3. Under the heatmap, select No test case executed to see the transactions for which no test case was executed.
  4. Under heatmap, select No test case assigned to see the transactions that don't have any test cases assigned to them.
  5. Under heatmap, select Show all (selected by default) to see all the above transactions.

Filtering heatmap transactions

  1. Open Heatmap and select the number of transactions you want to appear from the All Transactions dropdown:
    1. All transactions (default)
    2. Top 10 transactions
    3. Top 20 transactions
  2. Select the start time for transactions from the Last week dropdown:
    1. Last Month (default)
    2. Last Week
    3. Last Day
      The start and end time of transactions is displayed next to the Time Period dropdown.
  3. Select the types of transactions that you want to appear from the All transaction types dropdown:
    1. Standard transactions
    2. Custom transactions
  4. Select the types of interfaces where you want to see transactions from the All interface types dropdown:
    1. [T] - Transaction in SAP WinGui
    2. [R] - Report/Program in SAP WinGui
    3. [W] - Transaction in SAP WebGui
    4. [F] - Application in SAP Fiori

Checking the overview of a transaction

  1. Select a transaction from the heatmap.
  2. Under Details of selected transaction: Maintain Transaction Codes, select Overview
  3. Check out the Transaction Name and its SAP Code.
    The SAP Code of a transaction is used to generate a unique label

Generating test cases for a specific transaction


This feature is currently part of an audit process and is not to be considered part of the FedRAMP Authorization until the review is finalized. See here the full list of features currently under review.

You can generate manual tests using AutopilotTM for transactions viewed as part of the Heatmap. The generated test cases will have the following labels assigned:

  • autopilot-generated
  • TRAN:<transactionCode>
  1. In the Heatmap, select a desired transaction.
  2. Select Generate tests.

    The Provide additional context window opens, focused on the Add documents prompting you for attachments or other documents necessary for generating test cases.

    Figure 1. Example of the Generate tests button for the selected transaction

    1. In the Add documents section, select additional attachments.

      These are used when generating tests. You can also upload other files yourself.

  3. Select Next and provide additional instructions that AutopilotTM should use when generating test cases. Choose from a prompt from the Prompt library or type these instructions in the Provide additional guidance window.
    These are some of the instructions that Autopilot can follow:
    • You can instruct AutopilotTM the number of test cases that you want to generate. The maximum number of test cases is 50.
    • You can specify AutopilotTM to cover all user steps and acceptance criteria described in the loan request requirement.
    • You can instruct AutopilotTM to generate pre-conditions.
    • You can specify AutopilotTM to generate an expected result for each test step.
    • By default, Autopilot considers existing tests linked to a requirement to prevent duplicating tests. However, you can instruct Autopilot to disregard existing tests during new test generation. You can do this by providing an instruction like: "Do not consider tests that are linked to this requirement when generating tests".
    Figure 2. Additional instructions entered in the Provide additional guidance window

  4. Select Generate tests to initiate the process.

    When the generation finishes, you will receive a Test Case generation completed notification. Depending on your notification preferences, you can receive the notification both in-app and via email.

  5. Select the Test generation completed notification to review the generated test cases.
    1. Expand each test case in the Generate tests panel, and review the generated test cases.
    2. If you are satisfied with their content, select Create tests.
    Figure 3. Selecting the tests that you want to create and expanding a test case

  6. If you are not satisfied with the generated test cases, select Refine tests, and provide additional details about your use case.
    1. Attach more relevant documents for AutopilotTM to use.
    2. Click Next and type additional details in the Provide instructions text box.
    3. After refining the steps, select Regenerate tests.
    4. Click the Test generation completed notification to access the regenerated test cases.
    5. Expand each test case and review them.
    6. Select the test cases that you are satisfied with, and then select Create tests.

The test cases that are generated will feature these labels:

  • autopilot-generated
  • TRAN:<transactionCode>
For instance, if the label of the chosen transaction is TRAN:SE38, this same label will be applied to all test cases generated from it.

Supported file types

Autopilot can process various file types. Depending on the file type, Autopilot can process certain content from it. The following list presents the file types you can offer to Autopilot, along with details about the type of content Autopilot can process from each type:

  • Processes only text content – Autopilot processes only the text content from these file types:
    • TXT
    • BPMN
    • CSV
  • Processes both text and image content – Autopilot processes both the text and images from these file types:
    • DOCX
    • XLSX
    • PNG
    • JPG
    • PDF

Creating test cases and test sets

After you analyze the results displayed in the Heatmap, you can start improving your testing portfolio, by creating test cases and test sets for uncovered or failed transactions. Check the following pages for steps on creating test cases and test sets for a specific transaction.

Creating test cases for a specific transaction

  1. Select a transaction from the heatmap.
  2. Under Details of selected transaction: Maintain Transaction Codes, select Test Cases.
  3. Select Create Test Case and configure the test case that you want to create.
    You can add other labels next to the one already assigned to the test case.

    When you create a test case for a specific transaction, make sure you leave the label already assigned to the transaction untouched. Otherwise, the test case that you create won't be linked to the transaction.

    For this example, the label that is already assigned is TRAN:SE16.

Learn more about linking test cases to transactions here.

Creating test sets for a specific transaction

  1. Create test cases for a specific transaction.
  2. Select the transaction for which you created the test cases.
  3. Under Details of selected transaction: Maintain Transaction Codes, select Test Sets, and configure the test set that you want to create.

    To ease the process of linking a test set to a transaction, add the label of the transaction to the test set that you want to link. This way you can search for the test set you just created, using that specific label.

    For this example, the same label we used to create the test cases (TRAN:SE16) we added to the test set.

  4. After you create the test set, navigate to Test Sets in Test Manager.
  5. Search for the test set you created and open it.
    You can search for the test set using the label that you added at Step 3.
  6. Select Tasks > Assign Test Cases > Static Assignment.
  7. Search for the test cases that you created at Step 1 and assign them to this test set.

  8. Navigate back to the Heatmap page, select the transaction, and check out the test set assigned to it.

Linking Orchestrator test set to a transaction

  1. Select a transaction, and under Details of selected transaction: Maintain Transaction Codes, select Test Sets.
  2. Select Link, choose the Orchestrator test sets that you want to link, and select Link.

Execute test sets for a transaction

  1. Link a test set to a transaction.
  2. Select More Options docs image inline with the test set that you want to execute.
  3. Select one of the following:
    • Execute Manually
    • Execute Automated
  4. Check out the test results in the heatmap.

Heatmap attachments

The SAP data that generates the heatmap can be found in Test Manager's Dashboard, under Attachments:

  • For ConnectSapInstance as Data Source: three JSON files are attached (for Day, Week and Month)
  • For UploadFromCSV as Data Source: the uploaded CSV file is attached.

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