- Release notes
- Getting started
- Hardware and software requirements
- Setup and configuration
- Working with Task Capture
- Additional resources

Task Capture
Capturing settings
In Capturing tab from the Settings menu, there are multiple features that can be configured as follows:
Capturing hotkeys - This provides you with the ability to specify the hotkeys you want to use in order to ‘Pause/Resume’ or ‘Stop’ capturing process.
You can also add a key to focus/unfocus the capturing panel. During the capturing process, pressing the configured hotkey makes the capturing panel become focused/opaque and the capturing pauses automatically. By pressing the hotkey again, the capturing panel becomes unfocused/transparent and the recording is resumed.
To change the value of hotkey click the input field and press the key combination you want to use.
If you would like to clear one value for the hotkey, the clear icon should be pressed.
After setting a custom hotkey, you can always revert to the default settings using the Restore Defaults option found on the lower right side of the screen.
There are 2 options of capturing mode available:
- Detailed - in this mode Task Capture automatically generates a screenshot for every action you perform - either it is a mouse click, double click, keyboard input or the hotkey. We recommend using this mode if your goal is to create a detailed automation skeleton for further automation in Studio.
High level - in this mode Task Capture automatically generates screenshots only for particular events instead of every action performed. We recommend using this mode if your goal is to create a clear and informative Process Definition Document focused on the specific key actions instead of every action performed.
When choosing this mode, two other options become available:
When using this mode screenshots are generated for every mouse click. If you wish not to capture a specific mouse click, you can do this by setting the Do not capture when a predefined key is pressed feature.
Selecting this feature will let you select one of the keys available in the dropdown menu.
Choosing the keyboard only option allows you to configure the keys or keys combination you want to be used as capturing triggers. You can add new ones or delete the current ones.
Changing the current key can be done by pressing the available box element and pressing the desired key or key combination.
Adding a new hotkey can be done by pressing the + sign next to the box element.
Removing a hotkey can be done by pressing the - sign next to the box element.
During the capturing Task Capture gathers metadata about the actions you perform. The metadata includes the keyboard inputs and text under the clicked area which is recognized by in-built OCR. By default, this data is automatically passed into the Action Description field. You can disable this functionality by clicking the checkbox:
- for Detailed mode - Place keyboard inputs and text under cursor in Action description
for High level mode:
- Capture on mouse click only - Place keyboard inputs and text under cursor in Action description
Capture with keyboard only - Place keyboard inputs in Action description
The active capturing settings will also be displayed in the capturing panel before starting the capturing process.
When Detailed mode is selected the following message will be displayed:
- Screenshots are automatically captured for each mouse click and keyboard input
When High level mode is selected the following message will be displayed:
- Screenshots are automatically captured for specified hotkeys
Screenshots are automatically captured for each mouse click
There are two recorder types:
- Classic
- Advanced
The Classic recorder doesn't generate as accurate selectors for Studio export as the Advanced one. However, it is recommended when you notice any issues while capturing the process.
To change the recorder type, you need to follow some specific steps:
- Go to the Home → Settings → Capturing page.
- Hold LeftCtrl + T+ Right mouse click on the bottom panel that contains the Restore Defaults button.
- See the Choose recording type section to select the recorder.
You can choose a selector quality mode preset for generating a XAML file for export to Studio/StudioX between:
- Low - Generates a low quality selector with no impact on capturing performance. Uses no extensions and it works with Internet Explorer, if available.
- Medium - Recommended selector for Java applications and browsers with no impact on capturing performance. Specific extensions might need to be installed.
- High - As medium configuration, but it also supports remote desktop applications. This might slightly impact the capturing performance only when the capturing is done in a remote environment.
- Custom - Can create a custom configuration with extensions and optimization options.
Starting the capturing process with a low selector configuration displays a pop-up to confirm you've selected the proper selector quality mode based on your needs.
You can Skip and continue with the Low mode, or select another configuration and select Submit.
A warning message can appear during the capturing process if:
- There's an issue with the extension.
- The extension for the captured app isn't installed.
The extension for the captured app is disabled.
You can close it and continue, but the capturing result might be incomplete or stop the capturing process and open Task Capture main window to see the error message and follow the suggested steps.
It's possible to disable selector generation for specified applications. This way you can edit the list of the apps for which Task Capture won't generate selectors that might cause some applications to crash.
To set up this configuration, follow the steps below:
- Go to the Home → Settings → Capturing page.
- Scroll down until Choose selector configuration section.
- Select Disable selectors for apps with compatibility issues.
Select Edit list button that opens a text file where you can change the applications.
Note: Please use this feature in case you notice crashes of the applications while you capture them. When the checkbox is checked, Task Capture will not generate selectors for the applications in the list, and this way you should avoid crashes. Keep in mind that during export to UiPath® Studio, selectors for those actions will be empty.