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Last updated Mar 13, 2025

Product lifecycle support terms

The Product Lifecycle page describes the support periods for UiPath® on-premises products. You can use this information to track how long a particular version of a product is supported, to schedule your software installation or upgrades, and benefit from continuous support.

This policy is a part of, and must be read together with, the Support and SLA Policy available here. For an easier read, we avoid using too many capitalized terms in our technical documentation, so if this Policy refers to software, products, customer, or documentation, the definitions in the Support and SLA Policy or in your licensing agreement with UiPath apply. If you do see capitalized items, refer back to the said Support and SLA Policy or licensing agreement. Also, you are the customer, as defined by our legal documents.

Some things we want you to know or do:

  • To receive support for a product, you must have installed and use the latest released version of the supported Major version of a product.
  • Updates on the supported Major version are cumulative, with each update built upon all of the updates that preceded it.
  • UiPath does not guarantee forward compatibility between products, except as otherwise mentioned in our documentation.
  • UiPath guarantees backwards compatibility between two consecutive released versions of the UiPath on-premises products. Breaking changes, if any, will be reflected in a compatibility matrix published in our documentation. If backwards compatibility between two consecutive LTS versions cannot be guaranteed, UiPath may assist you in the migration process.
  • UiPath does not guarantee that all updates will work on all devices. Update availability or applicability may vary depending on conditions, for example by country, region, network connectivity, or hardware capabilities.
  • Support for localized versions, minor updates and connected software (for example SDKs, connectors) of a major version terminates with support for the major version.
  • Fixes that imply database changes will be done exclusively on the latest released version.

UiPath support periods

For details on supported versions for each product, see the Product lifecycle.

General Availability support

UiPath currently issues only Long-Term Support (LTS) versions of the UiPath on-premises products.

UiPath stopped issuing Fast Track Support (FTS) versions of the on-premises products. All previous FTS versions are deprecated and no longer supported by UiPath. For more information, see the out-of-support versions.

Starting with the 2022.4 release, all versions benefit from LTS support.

Support type

Mainstream support

Extended support


6 months from the release date

6 months from the end of Mainstream support


24 months from the release date

12 months from the end of Mainstream support

Continuous Release*Each release is supported until the next update.N/A

* The Continuous Release support type is intended for Studio, Robot, and Assistant enterprise users that require frequent updates and new features while maintaining reliability. The release cycle for Continuous Releases is once every two months. Continuous Release versions can only be used with Automation Cloud connections.

Mainstream support

Products are fully supported, meaning that UiPath will provide customers with Incident support, bug fixes/workarounds, security updates and responses to Service Requests. At the end of the Mainstream support period, customers will need to update to a version available in Mainstream support to remain fully supported.

Extended support

Products will only receive partial support, meaning that UiPath will provide customers with Incident support and critical security fixes on a commercially reasonable basis. Technical support troubleshooting may include recommendations to update to a version available in Mainstream support. At the end of Extended support period, customers are required to update to a version available in Mainstream support or Extended support to receive support.


UiPath will no longer provide any type of support. You must upgrade to a version available in Mainstream or Extended support to receive support.

To check the list of out-of-support versions, see the out-of-support versions page.

UiPath Activities support periods

For details on supported versions for each activity, see the Activities lifecycle.

All activity packages follow the semantic versioning format = Major.Minor.Patch.


All versions published on the official UiPath NuGet feed will remain available unless exceptional circumstances require removal (for example, security concern).

Supported Type

Versions released as part of an on-premises product release (for example, bundled in the 2022.4 Studio or Orchestrator installer) will follow the same support cycle. When there is no new version of an activity in a GA release, the last released version will inherit the support period from the latest GA release.

Newer versions released and published on the official feed between on-premises releases are supported and will inherit the support model of the upcoming release with the exception of patches, which will continue to follow their corresponding version support.

Note: Any published bug fix will ship as a new patch release (increment of the Patch version) atop the latest Minor version codebase.

Studio, Robot, and Assistant Continuous Release support plan and the System activity pack

The Continuous Release support plan for Studio, Robot, and Assistant does not extend to System activities, which follow their original support plan. When an LTS version of the System activity package is bundled within a Studio for cloud customers installer, the activities adhere to their own support plan.

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