- Getting started
- Best practices
- Tenant
- About the Tenant Context
- Searching for Resources in a Tenant
- Managing Robots
- Connecting Robots to Orchestrator
- Storing Robot Credentials in CyberArk
- Storing Unattended Robot Passwords in Azure Key Vault (read only)
- Storing Unattended Robot Credentials in HashiCorp Vault (read only)
- Storing Unattended Robot Credentials in AWS Secrets Manager (read only)
- Deleting Disconnected and Unresponsive Unattended Sessions
- Robot Authentication
- Robot Authentication With Client Credentials
- SmartCard Authentication
- Configuring automation capabilities
- Audit
- Settings - Tenant Level
- Resource Catalog Service
- Folders Context
- Automations
- Processes
- Jobs
- Triggers
- Logs
- Monitoring
- Queues
- Assets
- Storage Buckets
- Test Suite - Orchestrator
- Other Configurations
- Integrations
- Host administration
- Organization administration
- Troubleshooting

Orchestrator user guide
EDR Protection Status
UiPath® Robots are integrated with the CrowdStrike Falcon endpoint protection platform, thus ensuring extended protection for your organization, as well as transparency into Robot actions.
The status of this integration is visible in Orchestrator, at the machine level, in the EDR Protection column, which is available in these two places:
- The Machines page
- The Installed Versions & Logs page
The column displays the status of your CrowdStrike Robot protection per machine or machine template over the last 30 days, which can be one of the following:
- Enabled - CrowdStrike protection is enabled; for machine templates, EDR protection is enabled on all host machines associated to that template.
- N/A - CrowdStrike protection is not enabled or the status is not known.
- Mixed (this status is only displayed for machine templates, and only on the Machines page) - CrowdStrike protection is enabled on some host machines connected to the template, and disabled on others, or the status is not available.
The statutes available in the Machines page:
The statutes available in the Installed Versions & Logs page:
This status is also available in UiPath Assistant, when hovering over the tray icon or in the Assistant status bar.