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Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation SuiteStandalone
Last updated Feb 27, 2025

Frequently asked questions

Below are some often asked questions and their answers.
  1. Can I enable Insights on the cloud tenant first and migrate on-premises data over later?
    • Yes, the cloud tenant doesn't have to be empty. However, we recommend not delaying the migration for too long (2-3 months is fine, 1 year isn't).
  2. How to get the cloud tenant ID?
    • In Automation Cloud, go to Admin and click on the tenant name. You should see the tenant ID in the URL of the page:<org name>/portal_/tenant/<tenant ID>
  3. How to get the on-premises tenant ID?
    • You can look up the tenant ID in the dbo.Tenants table.
  4. What kind of Azure SQL connection string we should share to UiPath?
    • We're expecting an ADO.NET connection string. This link shows how to copy the ADO.NET connection string from Azure SQL portal: Connect and query - Azure SQL Database & Azure SQL Managed Instance. The connection string should have this format:
      Server=<your database server url>;Initial Catalog=<your database name>;User
            ID=<username>;Password=<password>;MultipleActiveResultSets=False;Encrypt=True;TrustServerCertificate=False;Server=<your database server url>;Initial Catalog=<your database name>;User
      Create a DB user with read access and share the username and password with us. Please don't create a password with special characters such as '"`:;/\.
  5. How to test a connection string?
    • You can run the Invoke-Sqlcmd utility in Windows PowerShell. Example:
      Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query "SELECT TOP 10 name FROM sys.tables;" -ConnectionString "<a connection
            string you want to test>"Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query "SELECT TOP 10 name FROM sys.tables;" -ConnectionString "<a connection
            string you want to test>"
  6. What are the best practices for moving data to Azure SQL?
    • If you are using Data Migration Assistant, this document: Best practices for Data Migration Assistant - SQL Server contains a list of best practices. Among these practices, we strongly recommend the followings:
      1. Migrate a server during non-peak times.
      2. Enable encrypt connections when connecting to the source and target servers.
  7. Where does our data go after moving to Azure SQL?
    • We will use Azure Data Factory to securely migrate your data from Azure SQL to Snowflake - where our cloud data is hosted. After that, please check whether your dashboards look good and you can take down the Azure SQL instances. We don’t store your data anywhere other than in Snowflake.
  8. Do we need to add any IP addresses to the allow list?
    • As long as you complete step six in the previous section, you don't need to add any IP addresses to the allow list.
  9. Could you please let me know whether there are any data size migration restrictions in UiPath Insight cloud?
    • There is a data retention policy with Cloud Insights that only carries data for 2 years by default and 5 years for advanced platform sku customers.
  10. Once migration is completed to the Cloud , all upcoming execution done by robots’ transactions will be reflected in same historical dashboards/reports in UiPath Cloud Insight ?
    • Yes, they would be reflected in the same historical dashboards
  11. How long will it take UiPath to finish these processes, and who will be our point of contact to make sure these are completed?
    • It will take up to 2 -3 weeks for the entire process to be completed, but the migration itself will be dependent on the size of the data.

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