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Last updated Mar 5, 2025

Robots and Machines


The Robots and Machines template displays an overview of status and execution details of automations executed through Orchestrator and Assistant.





Total Utilizations (hours)

Number of hours when Robots were used. The tile is split into two metrics:

• Unattended jobs

• Attended jobs

Check for how long Robots were used in hours. You can check attended and unattended separately.

Robot Utilization (Unattended)

Average hours/day on which unattended Robots were used

Check the average hours unattended Robots ran per day.

Robot Utilization (Attended)

Average hours/day on which attended Robots were used

Check the average hours attended Robots ran per day.

Robots by Machines

• Host Name

• Robot Name

• Robot Type

Get a detailed view at Robots, including their type and the host name.

Utilization/Day Per Robot and Machine (Unattended)

Number of hours each unattended Robot was used each day (in hours)

Keep track of which unattended Robots and machines were most used each day.

Utilization/Day Per Robot and Machine (Attended)

Number of hours each attended Robot was used each day

Keep track of which attended Robots and machines were most used each day.

Top 10 Machines with Errors

Machines with most errors

Keep track of machines with high error rates.

Top 10 Busiest Machines by Process Name

Busiest machines

Track which machines are the busiest based on the process name.

Today's Utilization Breakdown

• Jobs Robot Name

• Jobs Start time

• Job Duration

Get a detailed view at the current day's Robot use, including each job duration.

Working with Processes Template

To keep your automation efforts in good condition, keep an eye on the overall Robot deployment health with the default Robots and Machines visualizations. For example, you can glance over machines that seem to result in errors more often.

Keep an eye on metrics important to your process deployment efforts by setting alerts on metrics such as faulted jobs when this value is higher than, let's say, 40%. You can share this information with your automation team when they need to act on related issues.

  • Overview
  • Metrics
  • Working with Processes Template

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