- Release Notes
- Getting Started
- Access and Permissions
- Granting Permissions
- Adding Designer Users in Insights
- Interacting with Insights
- Historical data export
- Logs
- Performance and Scalability

Adding Designer Users in Insights
These instructions only apply to Insights installed via Automation Suite.
To add a Designer User license, User License Management is required.
To allocate a Designer license to a user, take the following steps:
- Navigate to Automation Suite.
From the left navigation bar, click Admin.
Click the Licenses tab.
Expand the License Allocations to Users section.
- Search for the user you want to assign a Designer license to.
Click the Edit license allocation button next to the user.
- Edit the license allocation for the user and then save the changes.
Only users with the admin permissions may grant other users access. An admin may grant access to other users via the following steps:
- Navigate to your desired tenant in Automation Suite.
- From the left navigation bar, click the Insights icon to open the home page.
From the 3-dot menu in the top-right corner of the Insights home page, select Manage Access.
To assign or remove a user’s permission, click the Edit User button next to the user you want to edit.
Enable the roles that you want to give to the user and save the changes.