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Document Understanding User Guide

Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation SuiteStandalone
Last updated Mar 5, 2025

Offline bundles 2024.10.1

Each offline bundle contains base images used by multiple ML Packages. To make sure which bundle to download for a certain model version, check their compatibility.

Note: In a scenario where you are using two Automation Suite offline environments - one for development and the other for production, it is important to mirror version consistency. For example, if you are training models on version 2024.10.0 in a development cluster and then move these models to a production cluster, you need to install bundle version 2024.10.0. This is an exceptional use case. As a best practice, always use the latest version of your models for the best results.
Important: To ensure the compatibility of the model you want to install, check the table below.
Model versionPlatform version
2024.10availablenot availablenot availablenot availablenot available
2023.10availableavailablenot availablenot availablenot available
2023.4not availableavailableavailablenot availablenot available
2022.10not available* not available* availableavailablenot available
2022.4not available* not available* not available* not available* available
* - Models still work if you upgrade the platform, but they are not actively maintained in this platform version and security issues are no longer fixed. We recommend updating to a newer model to maintain a safe security posture in your environments.

Offline bundle for UiPathDocumentOCR

The UiPathDocumentOCR offline bundle needs to be installed for the ML Packages in the table below.

ML Packages

Model version




Offline bundle for UiPathDocumentOCR_CPU

The UiPathDocumentOCR_CPU offline bundle needs to be installed for the ML Packages in the table below.

ML Packages

Model version




Offline bundle for out-of-the-box pre-trained ML packages

The Out-of-the-box pre-trained ML packages offline bundle needs to be installed for the ML packages in the table below.

ML Packages

Model version


104024.10.1 Here
1040ScheduleC24.10.1 Here
4506T24.10.1 Here
ACORD2524.10.1 Here
ACORD12524.10.1 Here
ACORD12624.10.1 Here
ACORD13124.10.1 Here
ACORD14024.10.1 Here
Bank Statements24.10.1 Here
BillsOfLading24.10.1 Here
Certificate of Incorporation/ Good Standing24.10.1Here
Certificates of Origin24.10.1Here
Checks24.10.1 Here
Children Product Certificate24.10.1Here
DocumentUnderstanding24.10.1 Here
EU Declaration of Conformity24.10.1Here
FM100324.10.1 Here
Financial statements24.10.1 Here
I924.10.1 Here
IDCards24.10.1 Here
Invoices24.10.1 Here
InvoicesChina24.10.1 Here
InvoicesIndia24.10.1 Here
InvoicesJapan24.10.1 Here
Invoices Shipping24.10.1Here
Packing Lists24.10.1 Here
Passports24.10.1 Here
PurchaseOrders24.10.1 Here
Receipts24.10.1 Here
RemittanceAdvices24.10.1 Here
UtilityBills24.10.1 Here
Vehicle Titles24.10.1 Here
W224.10.1 Here
W924.10.1 Here

Offline bundle for Document Classifier

The Document Classifier offline bundle needs to be installed for the ML Packages in the table below.

ML Packages

Model version



Offline bundle for UiPath Extended Languages OCR

The UiPath Extended Languages OCR offline bundle needs to be installed for the ML packages in the table below.

If you want to enable the UiPath Extended Languages OCR in an offline environment, you also need to follow these steps.

Table 1.
ML packageModel versionMetadata
UiPath Extended Languages OCR24.10.1N/A

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