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Autopilot overview

Last updated Mar 13, 2025

Quality-check requirements

To evaluate requirement quality, start by creating a requirement, such as Submit loan request for the UiBank Application. Describe the application flow and criteria needed for the loan application process. Then select Evaluate quality and evaluate the requirement using AutopilotTM, to generate a list of suggestions that you can directly implement.

Provide supporting documents to Autopilot, and additional guidance through a prompt that you choose from your library or that you type in yourself.

After you trigger the evaluation, expand each suggestion to update its status based on your implementation progress. You can choose to add the suggestion to your requirements, marking its status as In Work or Done. The option to remove suggestions is also available.

Generate more suggestions or regenerate them with different supporting documents or additional guidance using Suggest More and Regenerate.

You can also keep suggestions for future reference by exporting them to Word.

Visit Quality check requirements to check how to evaluate your requirements using Autopilot.

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